Sing for Me

Story by Amethyst Mare on SoFurry

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#2 of The Shepsisters & Yote

Never lose a stand-off to a wolf, least of all Ms Natalya. She's well versed in making coyote's sing, whether they want to or not...

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Continues from the following images (in this order):



Cover art by Aggrobadger.

Low res version saved from Daniel Yote's page.

I thought it a shame to not upload a corresponding image for a story and I take any opportunity to pimp artists I like... Not that I am stalking Aggrobadger's pages or anything! I swear. (When I have money...)

Here we go, another story up and done. Always have fun writing these, I make no pretence over that! That said, Razak seems to be amused at how often I end up writing smut. "Hey, Ammy, what are you up to?" "Writing porn..." Love it or hate it!

Commission for Daniel Yote and characters belong to him

Story (c) me, Amethyst Mare, neigh

Sing for Me Written by Amethyst Mare / Arian Mabe for Cigarsnscotch / Daniel Yote

"Get the fuck away from me."

The bound coyote snarled, lashed to a rigid, metal pole in the centre of the grey room, if one could apply the loose term to what was, effectively, a dungeon. Filled with 'traditional' implements of torture and interrogation, it was also lined with metal storage containers; Cassie, the coyote, did not dare presume what was within. She saw several places in which she could be secured at first glance, but it was better not to look. The life of a spy was far from sweet, Cassie cursed belatedly.

She had woken with her wrists crossed and tied behind her back with coarse rope, the knots infuriatingly tucked away from questing fingers. The pole pressed to her spine, forcing her to arch and twist lest it rub between her shoulder blades. If the pole had not towered from floor to ceiling without a millimetre of space through which to tease her bondage, she believed she could have climbed it: another option out of the question. If her legs had been free, perhaps they could have been used as weapons in lieu of her firearm, but she had been forced on to her knees with her ankles bound behind the pole in a similar fashion to her wrists. There were too many 'ifs' to bear thinking about.

The spy's captor, a grey wolf with accents of brown in her finely groomed fur, perched on a straight backed chair, one leg crossed neatly over the other. Natalya looked over the coyote who was of a similar height, though she had hardly been a challenge in capturing, quite like the other one.

"Now, now," Natalya smirked, speaking at last as her grey tail flicking lazily against a muscled calf. "That is no language for a lady to endorse. Much less one in your position, darling."

Cassie shuddered, all too aware of her position. One breast dropped heavily from her tank top - originally cut high to reveal her smooth, toned stomach - where it had ripped in the conflict. The wolf's stare made her uncomfortable, too intense, and the way she licked her lips as if to denote hunger made Cassie close her eyes so that she did not have to look, to see, even if she knew.

"What's wrong, little 'yote?" Natalya barked a harsh laugh, rising fluidly to her hind paws, which were clad in black boots, the soles ideal for grip on harsh terrain. "Wolf got your tongue? The other one squawked louder than you."

"Don't fucking call me that." Cassie's lip curled back in a ferocious snarl. "You goddamn bitch. You won't get away with this, mark my words."

Clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth, the wolf advanced slowly, eyes narrowing in a predator's gaze. Though she fought to maintain eye contact, Cassie found herself raking her gaze over the wolf's body to take in the tight, black outfit, unable to quite discern the material that stretched to conform to every shifting contour of her body. What was she thinking? Huffing under her breath, Cassie stared up defiantly as the wolf stood over her, ears pricked and tail beating the pole in subtle anxiety. She would not show weakness. Her display seemed to amuse Natalya, however, and she grabbed a thick clump of the coyote's brunette hair, dragging Cassie's head brutally back, all the while ignoring her rumbling growls. It was not as if the coyote was in any position to fight back, after all. Her grey muzzle with a patch of brown on the upper side arced down and she nipped almost playfully at the coyote's ear.

"You seem to forget, dearie," Natalya murmured, teeth grazing Cassie's furiously twitching ear. "I've already gotten away with this and far, far more. You are a drop in the ocean to me, little 'yote. The only reason you are, is because you possess information. It seems that those back at Yote's most charming 'base' did not trust him with the most important details. This is where you come in."

"You want information from me?" Cassie repeated the wolf's words in disbelief.

"Oh, yes." Cassie swore the wolf purred. "I know you have plenty to tell me, 'yote, once I make you sing."

Cassie couldn't help herself. She laughed aloud, the sound reverberating around the dimly lit room.

"Crap interrogation technique in that case," she scoffed. "Telling me that you want this 'oh so important' information from me. What's it worth to you, huh? And what makes you think that I'll give it up so easily, now that you've so kindly shared its vitality?"

Natalya's blue eyes darkened threateningly.

"I have my methods."

The coyote cleared her throat awkwardly and slid her gaze away. Let the wolf play her little games. She would never succumb or impart the information she so desired. Did the bitch think her not trained in the art of resisting torture? She barely looked forward to it - Cassie was far from a masochist - but she could survive, oh yes. At least, she hoped she could survive. Yet talking was out of the question, that much she was certain of...was she? It had been so long since she was last put to the test.

Damn it!

As if aware of the coyote's mental turmoil, Natalya surveyed her speculatively and took a step back, allowing the canine's muzzle to drop sharply as she was too abruptly released. Twisting to stop the back of her head from thumping into the cold, metal pole, Cassie glared at the wolf, seeds of hatred steaming in her eyes. Bitch. The corner of Natalya's lips quirked and she inclined her muzzle gracefully, arms folded over her breasts, accentuated by the form-fitting outfit she wore.


Cassie stared. The wolf had to be joking. How could she stand with her wrists and ankles bound to the pole? And why would she obey orders like a trained dog? Blinking, Cassie bit back the desire to roll her eyes.

"Are you deaf as well as stupid, coyote?" Natalya's patience waned.

"Simply disobedient," Cassie quipped.

"We can change that."

Before the coyote had opportunity to react, Natalya grabbed her by the hair and dragged her up the pole in a squeal of protest. The yank on her hair did not hurt as much as the indignation of being hauled about like a rag doll and the wolf hauled her up with surprising strength. The pole caught her shoulder and Cassie's lips twisted, staying obstinately silent until she was pulled high enough to scrape her boot soles beneath her own weight, swaying awkwardly. Standing precariously with her tan boots flat on the dusty floor, Cassie was forced to arch her back at a vicious angle to stay more or less upright, shuddering at the thought of toppling over with a resounding crash. That would be humiliating. Her position pressed her cheek to the pole and she growled loudly, showing a flash of sharp, white canines. Snapping her jaws, she warned the wolf back as she pressed her legs together as much as she could, tail flattened defensively over her rump.

"Feeling a dab more compliant, darling?" Natalya chuckled throatily.

When no response was forthcoming, the corners of the wolf's lips turned down in a frown. She hooked a claw into the gaping front of Cassie's rent shirt and ripped sideways, the sharp point slicing through the fabric as if it held no more substance than butter. Shaking, Cassie snapped her jaws shut an inch from the wolf's arm, eyes wide with how easily Natalya tore through her clothing, the coyote's breasts falling free amongst shreds of tattered cloth. Natalya swiftly turned her attention to the coyote's tan and brown camouflage print trousers - suited to the harsh terrain in which she had been tracking the wolf, Natalya had to concede that shard of knowledge - slicing methodically until only the 'yote's modest, white underwear remained. Sucking in a breath, Cassie trembled, writhing against the pole until that sharp claw pressed beneath her chin, lightly encouraging her co-operation and stillness. Cassie clenched her paws into fists, twisting and searching for those accursed knots that were frustratingly out of reach, her ears splayed fearfully.

"Never thought much of manicures," Natalya said in answer to Cassie's unspoken question, blowing a speck of imagined dust off her claw. "Not worth the fuss when I can play with beauties like you. All in the line of work."

Cassie did not deign to answer, instead looking around the rather bare room as Natalya crouched, a paw sliding over the coyote's hip. Metal storage units lined the far wall of what Natalya referred to as her dungeon - there had been some time to converse when Cassie was being transported - and the coyote could only imagine what resided within. There were countless ways in which a fur may be tortured but, considering Yote's failed attempt at the mission beforehand, it seemed that less traditional methods were not in Natalya's favour. Shivering at the touch of cool air upon her pert, pink nipples, Cassie shook her head in denial. If all the perverted wolf wanted was to fuck, she certainly was not going to talk so easily.

As if suddenly disinterested in the coyote, the wolf stalked behind her and, judging from the thump and creak of hinges, opened some kind of wooden chest: the thump did not have the tone of metal. A ripple of laughter burst from the wolf's lips and Cassie craned her neck, struggling to see what was going on.

"Hello!" Natalya laughed as she leaned over the box. "Not enjoying ourselves so much now, are we?"

"What the fuck?" Cassie twisted, worming her way unsteadily around the pole so she faced the wolf and her perhaps 'lucky' victim, if one in Daniel Yote's position could ever be considered lucky, that is.

Yote lay on his back in a chest that was longer than his body, a black, 'cage' muzzle like the ones used on dangerous dogs preventing speech. Red ropes intricately encircled his body, crossing his broad torso and neat knots drawing his paws up to his chest as if he was begging. Ankles bound to convenient O-rings inside the box, the rope completed his locked in quandary with several careful loops around his cock and balls that kept the coyote hard and wanting, yet unable to cum no matter what he tried within the box' confines. Knowing a little of Natalya's techniques, Cassie suspected that he had a sizeable plug thrust under his tail in addition, poor thing. If Natalya had been feeling especially wicked upon choosing her 'instrument', it would have been a vibrating one, constantly keeping the 'yote on edge.

" that's where you got to," Cassie said at last, lamely flustered by her own tongue-tied moment. "Right mess you landed in."

Daniel looked up and whined plaintively. Cassie shook her head yet again, half-lifting a hind paw to stomp on the ground before recalling her bound predicament. Natalya giggled like a schoolgirl, delightfully wicked, her tail flicking as if she was proud to display her handiwork. Trotting away at a brisk pace that betrayed her eagerness to continue, Natalya dug through the storage units, metal clanging obnoxiously as she searched out the exact implement she wished to use. When she had her mind set on something, nothing else would suffice. The coyote sighed loudly, breasts bouncing lightly upon her chest.

Damn top...damn bitch of a wolf.

"You like getting tied up," she told the bound male in lieu of the wolf's attention, lip curling up in barely concealed disdain. "It does nothing for me."

"You may think otherwise soon enough," Natalya returned with a black length of metal chain in her paws, links clinking ominously. "Be a dear and push your tits out now, sweetheart."

"Like fuck!"

"Oh," Natalya considered her for a moment. "And I was going to go 'easy' on you too. Maybe you coyote bitches just like it rough?"

Hauling on another clump of hair, Natalya yanked the coyote's head back and shook the chain out so that she held one end with a small, cruel clamp. Eyes widening sharply, Cassie faltered and shivered, ignoring the oncoming as she ran through a stream of muttered curses, for what good it would do her. Keeping the coyote's jaws well out of striking distance, Natalya skilfully manoeuvred the clamp to Cassie's left breast, releasing it over the nipple and laughing as Cassie cried out. By gods it burned! Clenching her teeth together, the coyote squirmed, briefly thumping her muzzle against Natalya's arm before it was caught in a vice-like grip. Squeezing her paw around the coyote's muzzle, the wolf pressed her arm threateningly to Cassie's throat and let the second 'toothed' clamp snap shut over her right nipple, the chain dangling in an arc. The wolf chuckled, licking the side of Cassie's muzzle as the coyote's chest heaved and the chain danced.

"You are going to talk," she crooned, eyes bright.

"Like...hell, I am," Cassie gasped, sinking down into a crouch, sweat matting her fur as she fought for breath. "Let...let me..."

Natalya considered the half-formed question.

"Only if you're a very good 'yote."

Drawing her arm away, the wolf allowed Cassie some measure of breath and the coyote took it gladly, glancing up as if she had become all too abruptly aware of all that could happen: one never liked to consider the worst case scenario. The chain was cold against her breasts, so much that she could feel its ice through her fur in unwelcome contrast to the burning pain in her nipples. The clamps had 'ragged' edges that dug in nastily, biting in like the jaws of tiny alligators, hence the name. Crouching down to Cassie's level, the wolf drew a slim blade from its sheath at her hip. In the low light, the metal gleamed and Natalya had the passing notion that it was more for show than use. The wolf stayed out of biting range and rested the flat of the blade warningly against the coyote's thigh as she ran a pink tongue over her dark lips.

"Legs apart."

Cassie thought of denying her but the cool of the knife made her think twice. Though her cheeks burned with shame, she slowly moved her knees apart, only enough to satisfy the wolf. She would do no more without force, she told herself, despite finding herself questioning her own resolve in the moment. Natalya nodded once and slid the sharp edge of the knife along Cassie's inner thigh, slipping it beneath her panties and making a cut on either side. The scrap of fabric fell away, leaving Cassie's feminine folds unduly exposed under the flat side of a knife: the coyote gulped noisily.

"There's a good girl..." Natalya murred, a twinkle in her sharp, blue eyes.

Cassie wanted to growl, but it would only have made her situation worse; she was less easily broken than Yote. Glancing at him in the box, she resolved not to make a sound, no matter what the wolf did to her. She was stronger, she had to keep believing that. If not, what would happen to her? Turning her muzzle away, she closed her eyes, shivering as the knife was removed from her sensitive, fleshy labia.

A finger touched her folds and she jumped against her will, tail pressed over her exposed rear as she was too intimately touched. The questing finger slipped between her soft labia, the smooth back of a claw brushing the coyote's hidden clitoris. Gritting her teeth, Cassie leaned back as much as possible, though there was no escape. Clucking her tongue, Natalya pressed the point of the knife into the coyote's thigh, pricking deeply enough through the fur to call forth a bead of blood in adequate warning. Cassie swallowed hard as one finger and then two forced their way into her warm pussy, callously invading her tight passage in a series of curious thrusts. She breathed a sigh of relief when the wolf withdrew her fingers and the knife, hating herself for that flash of weakness.

"Not even wet," Natalya muttered, disappointed to draw her finger away dry. "We shall have to change that, my dear."

Cassie could not look - she did not dare. Instead, she listened to the wolf gathering whatever she had decided to use to torture and humiliate her, claws rattling through the metal containers. At one point, she must have paused to pay Yote some attention as he whimpered loudly and fell silent again just as swiftly. The wolf hummed under her breath as she set up some equipment, the nature of which Cassie could not discern with her eyes closed.

"There we go!" Natalya exclaimed triumphantly. "Perhaps showing your colleagues back at 'base'," the wolf's muzzle wrinkled in mirth, "what an obedient little pup you are will convince you to behave better, don't you think so, little 'yote?"

Cursing herself, Cassie cracked open an eye and quailed against the pole. A simple video camera on a tripod rose before her, the red 'recording' light blinking unerringly. A wave of anger rose in the coyote and she struggled against her bonds, fighting with renewed energy as growls rolled from her lips. Her blue eyes reflected that accursed red light, documenting her humiliation.

"You sadistic bitch," Cassie snarled, bucking like a wild animal. "You won't make me talk. Let them see. Let them see how I don't give anything away, damn you."

The wolf's silence was more threatening than her words. With deathly calmness, Natalya strode to Yote's wooden chest and unbuckled the ball gag from his muzzle. He worked his jaw to relieve the stiffness, half-starting to say something when her sharp gaze subdued him into silence. Cassie sighed and rolled her shoulders, body aching from having to arch against the pole. If Yote wasn't so damn submissive, maybe he would have been able to help her. He was a damn good assassin though, she had to give him that. Warily, she watched the wolf approach with the gag in her paw.

Ohh no - no fucking way in hell!

"Open wide, darling," Natalya grinned widely, holding up the gag, which dripped with the male coyote's saliva; Cassie sniffed distastefully and looked away.

"Well, if you want to play rough, sweetheart..."

Natalya pounced, clenching a paw around the coyote's throat. It was too late for the coyote to do anything but gasp for breath and, right when she fought to suck air into her lungs, the wolf thrust the gag between her teeth, deftly buckling it at the back of her skull. Anger simmering below the surface, the coyote made as if to spit out the gag but, of course, was unable to. She pressed her tongue under the smooth surface of the ball, shuddering indignantly at the taste of Daniel's saliva on the gag. If looks could have killed in that moment, Natalya would have dropped dead.

"See, boys," Natalya spoke to the camera, a smirk playing across her lips. "You have to remember to gag your bitches before persuading them to talk. Re-using another bitch's gag is optional."

Confident that Cassie's jaws were no longer an immediate threat, Natalya withdrew a small black remote control box from one of the storage boxes, all the while ignoring Cassie's infuriated glare. Pressing a button made the pole behind the coyote vibrate, sliding smoothly down into the floor until it was as if it had never existed. The coyote gave a muffled yelp as she toppled over, no longer supported, and crashed on to her front, the clamps biting into her nipples all the more fiercely. She pushed herself up to her knees and looked away, skin flushed and that red light still blinking, capturing every moment: Natalya giggled and shoved Cassie's shoulder, sending the 'yote crashing to the cold ground again.

"Can't even stay balanced," Natalya gloated. "What am I to do with you?"

Cassie would have liked to be left well alone. The wolf kicked a small box closer and Cassie shuffled away from it warily. She had not wriggled far before the wolf sat heavily upon her, rolling the coyote on to her side and kicking her legs up closer to her chest; the coyote's chest rumbled with suppressed growls. Straddling Cassie's waist, the wolf raked her sharp claws over her vulnerable rear, startling a yelp from the helpless coyote. Seeming pleased with the response, she repeated the action with one paw, alternating between scratching and bringing her paw down in sharp, stinging slaps, reddening Cassie's rump.

Yelping in shock and humiliation, Cassie did not notice the wolf selecting something from her box until something smooth and damp pressed under her tail. She squirmed, unable to see, and yelped as a slim dildo spread her tail hole. With only a thin layer of lube easing its entry, it was difficult to take the thin rod and her breathing became laboured until it settled in her ass, anal ring squeezing around what was revealed as the narrow base of the plug. Groaning lowly, the coyote shuddered, hating every second of the invasion. The wolf swivelled on top of her, facing the 'yote's rear, and pressed something larger, ridged, into her pussy. Cassie bucked, crying out as the ridges were forced into her hardly aroused sex, each one rubbing over her sensitive clit and sending unwanted tremors of pleasure up her spine. Damn that wolf!

"Easy, little 'yote..." Natalya murmured, pressing the pink dildo as far into the coyote's cunt as possible.

Cassie whined, partially glad that she was gagged so at least she could not add words to her own humiliation. Her backside pointed towards the camera and Natalya adjusted it, ensuring the best angle was captured of her lovely victim. Working the dildo rapidly within the coyote's moistening cunt, she growled and inhaled the growing scent of sex, feminine juices stoking her own arousal. It was always similar. Working bitches like Cassie were needy beyond belief and she could not wait to show this one just how much she could make her howl. She would have the coyote singing all her secrets before her time was up in the 'dungeon'.

Mercilessly, Natalya thrust the dildo deep into her victim, flicking a button on the end so that it buzzed into life, setting the coyote into muffled groans as she bucked her hips. Cassie's cheek pressed hard to the floor and she swallowed repeatedly as the gag forced saliva to pool in her muzzle, what didn't leak out from between her spread lips. The soft pads on Natalya's fingers were insistent, rubbing and pressing over the coyote's clit until she found the sweet spots that made Cassie writhe in pleasure, almost forgetting the video camera only a couple of feet away. The coyote tried to flatten her tail over her rear but was put in her place by the prick of Natalya's claws, reminding her how they could cause pain as well as tantalising pleasure. Curse her! The coyote's breathing grew rapid as her pleasure built with such wonderful swiftness. How could the wolf do this to her? Was she so weak?

But she would not talk, no - she wouldn't!

It was too much! She had to cum! She tried to shout through the gag for Natalya to stop - not that she would talk - but the wolf did little more but laugh, twisting the anal plug deep within the coyote's backside. The 'yote arched her back, trying to squirm away from the racing pleasure as the swirling claw-tip brought her closer and closer to ecstasy. Saliva coating the gag and her lips, Cassie drew her muzzle down in shame, grunting loudly through the gag as climax flashed before her eyes. Her whole body convulsed within the bonds, displaying her pleasure, and Natalya grabbed the coyote's tail, yanking it up to capture her creamy juices oozing from around the buzzing vibrator.

Cassie's nostrils flared as she drew in breath after breath, seemingly unable to take in enough oxygen to slow her heady pants and pounding heartbeat, which roared in her ears. Even as the ripples of a truly explosive orgasm faded, the wolf shifted, pressing the heel of her paw against the anal plug to thrust it a little deeper; she relished the coyote's moans, more delicious than her male counterpart! He had been easier to break but Cassie was still fighting, which was all the more fun, even if she did say so herself. Unbuckling the gag, Natalya pulled it from between the coyote's drooling lips and tossed it away, ramping up the settings on the vibrator until Cassie squirmed beneath her.

"Let's try this again, 'yote," Natalya breathed in the panting coyote's ear, body arching over hers. "Will you sing for me?"

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