Jahaliya: Jasmine's Baby Shower

Story by Varzen on SoFurry

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#4 of Jahaliya

The Crown Princess of Jahaliya has accepted her mate's seed! Now is the time for celebration: a baby shower for Princess Jasmine and her femme coterie. This is a Jahaliyan baby shower, and so erotic delights shall be one of its several courses.

The men, on the other hand, decide to enjoy a game of rugby between the kingdom's Infantry and Navy. Prince Ryoga, perpetually libidinous, pursues his Majordomo, the muscular John...

This is a 22-page short story commissioned by the excellent kchishol1970. Readers are entreated to enjoy.

Jasmine sat atop a cushioned table that had a spread of tissue paper over it; it was functioning as a makeshift doctor's table. She sat on the edge with her feet held apart by a pair of suspended cuffs functioning as makeshift stirrups. Robin stood beside her, holding her paw tight. Their medic, Meigs, an eerie blue fox with large eyes and larger spectacles, reentered the room with a large tablet holding a pile of papers. She wore only her medic's over-robe, in true Jahaliya custom. It was open to display her bare buxom blue body.

"Your Majesty, you are beyond blessed," she said with a clinical flatness as she set her tablet down on a side table. She knotted her paws before her stomach.

Jasmine leaned forward, pulling herself up by her spread knees. She watched the medic's spectacle-enlarged eyes follow her form. "What do you mean? Am I pregnant?"

"Beyond," Meigs emphasized, straightening her robe around her large breasts, "You're to have triplets, though the genders are uncertain at this point. Females will have the father's species; males will be jackals. Congratulations."

Robin gasped, rapidly clapping her paws. "Jasmine, this is amazing!" she cried, a smile bright on her lupine face. "You're going to be a mother! And they're going to be so cute... aren't you excited?" she asked.

Jasmine looked on with a daze, blush burning her cheeks. Her paw held her stomach ... so that's why she'd started her mornings nauseous and bloaty. The miracle of childbirth--she would bear Prince Ryoga noble scions. Heirs to the throne.

Puppies growing inside her body.

"Childbirth can be an intensive, painstaking process, your Highness," Meigs said, pushing her glasses up her muzzle, "but I assure that you have the best help in the land as well as Goddess's Blessing to see you through. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

"No, medic; you've done plenty," Jasmine said absently, "will you stay on call for me?"

"Illness is rare in Jahaliya; you can have me as a second_tail_ should you desire."

Robin chuckled at the joke, then quickly stopped when she saw the blank expanse of her wife's face. "Jasmine...?" she asked.

"What's ch-childbirth like?" the jackal stammered.

"Completely natural," Meigs stated, her eyebrows raised, "although your gestation leading up to it--especially considering triplets--will be a remarkable load on your body. Your breasts will be swollen and tender, your spine will be taxed like Natasha's bow, and how do you feel about a compressed bladder?"

"We could get you a chamber pot," Robin added.

"Not necessary!" Jasmine barked, making the other canids recoil from its sudden violence. The jackal wrestled her paw from Robin and held it aloft as an apology, then took a deep breath to collect herself.

"It's not easy," Meigs stated, "but your body _is_designed for it. I'll be at your beck and call unless a war breaks out--then one of my nurses will take over."

"Women die during childbirth!" Jasmine exclaimed. The blue vixen raised her chin and smirked.

"Not under my watch. You carry me an entire _litter_and I'll see that every last runt survives along with their mother."

"I couldn't have started with one ... " she whined. Robin quickly pulled her in, nuzzling her cheek.

"Courage, love. You are the creator of life and the mother of a noble race."

"And none the nobler," Ryoga stated, appearing at the door and hanging his circlet and cape on nearby hooks. The male's eyes immediately flashed as two glistening spheres, contrasting greatly with his proud chest, regally thrust out in practiced poise. "Tell me truly, my dear; are we pregnant?"

The jackal nodded as moisture sprung from her own eyes, pooling above her cheeks.

Ryoga quickly fell to his knees, grasping at the medic's over-robe. "It's a miracle. Goddess has blessed us all."

"It is a natural phenomenon," the blue fox said, bracing as the father-to-be's weight pulled her off-balance, "but indeed a blessing for you and your lovely wives. Congratulations."

As even the brusque Robin's eyes grew moist, the clinical fox had to admit to a distinct tickle in her nose and the corner of her eyes.

Queen Malva approached Jasmine that afternoon, catching her at the fountain in the courtyard wistfully looking into her rippling reflection as she drew her fingers through the water.

"I think a child is the most glorious thing," she told her daughter-in-law, sitting alongside her. "But it can be scary for a new mother. I was frightened myself when I had Ryoga."

Jasmine watched her with wet eyes, drawing some water across her jackal nose which had gone dry.

"I didn't even have Meigs to support me. There was a midwife, though, and she proved invaluable. It was a natural birth in the royal bath, and the pain that overtook me, well ..." a nostalgic smile suddenly broke across the older wolf's silvery face, "you'd be surprised how hard the body fights back when it's under that kind of stress."

Jasmine remained silent, so Malva leaned in and stroked her golden thigh.

"You'll be ready for this when it comes time. The worst fear is that of the unknown, but your body will know exactly what to do, and we'll be there too."

The jackal chuckled and wiped a tear from her cheek.

"There, that's better. Now what would you say to a baby shower, my dear? Gifts, celebration, and now that you've achieved royal conception," Malva said with a purr, drawing her claws over the nude jackal's leg, "why don't you let loose like a true Jahaliyan?"

Jasmine giggled and stood, hugging her mother-in-law. "I should indulge myself. Thank you! However, I do have something to take care of first," she said as a quiet fear welled inside her.

Ryoga caught Jasmine bent over a florid novel and observed her stuck on the same page. "You're worried," he stated, standing at the door's threshold. It was not a question.

"Yes," she returned gravely, head in her paws.

"Despite Meigs and my mother. The kingdom's assurances. What's wrong?"

"If I die during childbirth..." she started, but could not finish.

Ryoga sighed, then pushed himself into the room and draped his paws over her shoulders. "It's a possibility. One I am loath to accept, but ... I suppose you accept the same every time I go out on a mission. Death is a part of life."

"My mother died giving birth to me ... and only me. My father, a pox upon his house, blamed me for it. Hated me for it. It was not logical, but it was beaten into me."

Ryoga snarled. "I should annex his kingdom and banish him from it."

"Not worth the resources," she astutely observed, surprised at her automatic response."Regardless, it's a possibility. Three cubs to pass between bones and through flesh."

Ryoga kneeled at her side, taking her paw in his own, pressing his lips to her knuckles in a resounding sign of faith. "I swear upon my honour and my Goddess, that regardless whether or not such tragedy should befall this kingdom those cubs will have a father who will love them until his own life's extinguishing. So shall our wife, Robin. And their grandmother and grandfather will support them, rear them, teach them, among a cadre of aunts ready to help upon the dropping of a pin."

Jasmine looked away, her paw remaining in his. She touched her breast.

"All of Jahaliya to come to their aid ... "

The look on Ryoga's face was one he would have borne in a doomed battle: a look of complete acceptance, of intransigent assurance. "All. Forever."

Tina and Athena stood in the lounge with large frowns on their faces, watching as pink ribbons were strung up high, lace doilies were set, and chefs discussed with Malva a cake that was not shaped like a giant cock or stuffed with a naked, slutty dancer, but would be shaped like a stork-like gryphon with cursive script of congratulations scrawled over it.

"We may as well march back over to Blackstar Manor and see if they have any petticoats from their pre-Jahaliyan days," Tina grumbled. "This is so girly I'll grow another pussy."

"I'll be ovulating in no time if this keeps up," Athena bitched, "I shall stock up on diapers and rattle toys henceforth."

"Is there a problem, ladies?" Lydra asked with a grin, throwing her arms over their shoulders. "Are we missing the swordfights and the bouncing cocks?"

"Yes!" they both said.

The panther chuckled and slapped both their asses before joining Malva for discussions. The Queen immediately looked at the two discontents and inclined her chin.

"You're not excused," she flatly declared, "but you can leave early if Jasmine climaxes."

"During a baby shower?!" Tina argued.

"A Jahaliyan baby shower, yes," Malva countered, "there'll be a pie line, dancers and more."

"Might I tour the palace to further investigate your culture if Jas ... "

"Yes, yes," Malva interrupted Athena with a bored wave of her paw. "Whatever you want. But you will be here until then."

"Yes, your Majesty."

Jasmine sat in the middle of a luxurious davenport upholstered with fine velvet, and along with her lounged Robin, the Harem, Athena, Lydra, Malva, and Sylvia in the couch with her and the davenport across from her, twenty feet away. Between them was a long, low table set with presents and the stork-gryphon cake, with female servants at the ready on either side of the couch, carrying cream pies.

The laconic, muscular and tall maid Perditia was the first up, gently standing up on the table between the presents and the cake, the dalmatian avoiding drinks set along the edge. She bowed to each of the two davenports, tore her maid's apron and bonnet from her body, and then the other servants moved in. Most of the girls on the couches stood and took a pie, and with a cue from Malva began singing an old Jahaliyan tune.

One by one, the femmes pelted the naked dalmatian with pies, cream flying over the spotted curves of her awesome body, running down her breasts, wrapping around her thighs, bouncing off her tight buns, one even winging off her floppy ears to be quickly caught by her and then administered to her breast, sticking there. Perditia easily caught another pie and slapped it on the other tit, standing proud with her new breast pie-plates.

She smirked at the otter, Corsi, who was running up with a pie in each hand, then turned around and bent over, presenting her rump to be stuck with two more pies. Her thin tail whipped with delight. Athena could barely breathe, doubled over from laughter as the dalmatian parodied the armor of the rabbit's homeland.

"I bow to you, noble Amazon!" she snorted, taking off her General's brush helmet and putting it on the cream-soaked Jahaliyan slut. "Lead Myscindyr's armies into battle!"

Athena fell back onto the davenport, howling as Perditia stood smirking, blushing, dripping with cream off the many pies that had pelted her, and those that stuck on her breasts and rump cheeks.

Queen Malva shook her head, grinning like the rest, then pulled the Myscindryan's official helmet off the Jahaliyan maid and handed it back to Athena.

"Let's not fool around with regalia," the Queen chuckled, "but let us keep this party thrumming."

Malva saw that behind her modest paw, Jasmine was grinning.

"Bring on the males!" Malva cried.

Just like that, the women servants were complemented by their male counterparts, cocks fat and swollen and bouncing ahead of them. The males all stood in two rows in front of the couches, pies were handed out, and a new Jahaliyan chorus started as the women pelted them with pies, squealing with pleasure as cream bounced off their firm chests, their faces, their buns, with cream running around the outside of their cocks and collecting at their balls, dribbling between their feet.

The lady servants quickly ran back to collect more pies, and in the meantime the males began gyrating and swaying to the song they were singing, showing off their naked cream-splattered bodies for the pleasure of the cheering females.

Jasmine took a pie from the floor, seeing it was still rather full, and beheld its marred surface with a blush, her thoughts swimming.

"I never expected a baby shower like this," she admitted to Robin, spinning the pie tin in her paw.

Her lupine wife pinched her butt, causing the jackal to stand with a yip. "Then you haven't been paying attention!" she giggled. "Go on!"

Jasmine grinned and ran up on one of the male dancers. It was a mahogany-brown raccoon with a slender frame and a prominent six-pack. Jasmine slapped the cream pie right on his stomach, sending the fluffy dessert spraying out on all sides.

"Oh, this is fun!" she giggled, leaning down to grab a slice of stork-gryphon cake. Malva quickly moved the presents as one of the male dancers leapt on the table.

Ryoga's eyes kept darting from the game playing out in front of him to his Majordomo sitting beside him, and then back. They were out on the sporting fields in a steel set of grandstands. The game before them was a muddy version of rugby: their infantry were squaring up against their sailors, and every male was naked and falling over each other in sexy male sporting.

Ryoga, a connoisseur of both the fairer and muskier sexes, had a red-hot rod between his thighs and an anxious twitch behind his balls. He reached over and caressed the mouse's muscular thigh.

"Your majesty!" John said with a jump, quickly noticing Ryoga's precum-crowned cock, "I, ah, can I help you?"

The wolf prince angled his brow, reading his Majordomo.

"You're nervous," he said, skipping all pretenses.

John sighed and leaned on his elbows, watching the game from afar as if it were broadcast by crystal display instead of right in front of him. "I know we've been intimate in the past," he said in a low voice, "but here? In front of your war council, Horace, our soldiers and sailors, every male that is my brother or brother-in-arms?"

Ryoga planted a warm, wet kiss on John's cheek, then returned to the game, facing forward. His elbows rested on his thighs and his cock stood tall between them.

"You know I carry a special passion for you, Majordomo," Ryoga said, "but I would tarnish you were I to force things beyond your comfort. My respect is too great."

John reached over and stroked the wolf's carved shoulder, his fingers trailing along contours of muscle. "You're the most beautiful man I've known," John whispered, "but only rarely do I swing as so."

The wolf suddenly grasped John's thigh and bicep, looking him ardently in the face. "Then let my gravity sway you," he said, his muzzle hovering close to the mouse's own.

John watched in the corner of his eye as a mighty cougar barrelled over a lithe fox that was running the ball. He watched the males topple in the mud together, the ball slip from their grasp, and many more pile into each other in a display of raw masculine energy.

He pressed his lips against Ryoga's and pushed the wolf onto his back, causing the grandstand to vacate around them

The stork-gryphon cake had two femmes in it, smashing the cake and sending its smithereens to the floor as Robin and Corsi wrestled within it, cramming pastry into each others' mouths and into their cleavage, footpaws kicking and tails lashing.as they squealed in pleasure and laughter.

Jasmine remained on the couch, knuckles against her modest lips, with Tina and Athena gravitating on either side of her.

"You look troubled, Your Majesty," Tina said, giggling as she ran her paw along the inside of Jasmine's thigh and saw her leg kick in response.

"Hot and bothered, it seems," Athena added, trailing her claws down the jackal's chest, grinning as her sharp rabbit ears caught a suppressed moan.

"It--it's a wild party, I'm just trying to process it," Jasmine said, leaning back into the couch as if in a daze, feeling her legs part.

Tina leaned up on her, muzzle inches from her face, and traced up Jasmine's leg until it turned moist. Athena leaned in from the other side, licking the jackal's cheek as her fingers parted around Jasmine's hardened nipple. The Princess grunted as the femmes grasped at her, closing in.

"Uhf ... but what about the guests?" she protested in vain, her breath pouring like hot mist over her engorged form, her rump sliding down in its seat.

"They're enjoying themselves," Tina purred, turning her palm to Jasmine's warm netherlips, pressing against them ever so softly.

Jasmine moaned out in delight, involuntarily thrusting her clit against the ball of the skunk's palm. Athena took her cue and kissed her noble Princess, thumbing her hard nipple as the jackal squealed into her mouth.

Tina was rewarded by a gush of hot, musky liquid spraying over her paw, and both she and Athena gave the Princess a few inches of breathing room as Jasmine writhed and dampened the velvet cushion.

Malva had been watching with a proud grin.

"You've served your Princess well, you two," she chuckled, then snapped her paw outward. "You're excused."

The skunk was sniffing her fingers as she and her rabbit companion crossed the Jahaliyan halls. Strangely, Tina followed Athena's lead; although the Amazon had only a spotty knowledge of the palace's layout, she could hear the roar and the clash of the male's rugby game and its spectators.

"I'm impressed with how well you've settled in," Tina remarked, her nipples firm as she talked through her musky paw, "Most everyone's taken a liking to you. You helped bring our Princess to orgasm."

Athena seized Tina's paw and suckled on her fingers, still tangy with the jackal's pleasure. Tina blushed and drew close to the Amazon General.

"A leader must always be ready to lead her furres into anything: even into moments of rapture. Ah, here's the men. And a good lot of them, too," she remarked as they emerged into the sporting arena, Tina flinching as a wall of sound hit her.

The sensations of the crowd was tangible: up in the grandstand, a circle of bodies notwithstanding, the men were all cheering for the muddy rugby taking place before them. Warriors from both their army and navy divisions--Athena recognized a few choice men--were painted their respective division's colors and each had "jersey" numbers--though there were no jerseys to speak of--in special dyes that would not wash off without aid of a special soap.

"Much better than clothes," Tina stated, and Athena agreed.

The rabbit's ears turned as she heard a familiar voice of authority in the stands, although the nature of the voice was submissive, under the influence of desire and manual stimulation.

John was knuckle-deep in his Prince, hooking his fingers up the wolf's rump to tickle and tease his prostate. Ryoga, in turn, was rock hard and dribbling pre up and down his stomach, moaning as he lay spreadeagle on a steel seat in the grandstand. Their many spectators were similarly aroused, cocks standing proud as they clapped and cheered them on.

Athena's attention turned back to the game, and as she felt Tina walk close she looped an arm around the skunk's waist, dominantly holding the muscular femme to her.

"You there, boy," she called out to a short cheetah standing next to the drink cooler and buckets of paint. The cheetah turned and, recognizing her, bowed.

"Yes Madam!"

"Would it be against the rules if we joined?"

"I beg your pardon, Madam, but with your stature you could rewrite the rules." "That won't be necessary. Please paint us, one for each team. I'll join the seamen since I see our land soldiers regularly."

Tina, who was blushing deeply as the General was casually stroking her breast, snapped her fingers as an idea came to her.

"Remember the mud pit at Ruk's wedding? Let's add negligees. Last naked femme gets to serve the opposing team."

"Brilliant!" the General cheered. "Boy, get us our uniforms!"

The girls ran out onto the field wearing not only negligees, but Amazon bikinis and bras underneath, to make it a little more difficult for the men and each other. The referee tweeted his whistle and let the girls join the lines of scrimmage, and there more than a few murrs from the muddy soldiers around them as they beheld these shapely, busty ladies, imagining what would happen once they ripped those furry tits free.

As an afterthought, a sudden realization, a few soldiers and sailors shivered as they recognized their opposing femme: these were not maiden sluts nor one of the more agile, svelte Harem girls; these were respectively wrestling champion Tina and the Myscindyr General Athena! Only the larger males, a rhino, bear, and cougar remained lusty and unfazed.

The crowd was going crazy, so much so that Ryoga and John's circle closed around them, attention taken away. John kissed Ryoga on the lips as he pulled his fingers from his ass.

"I'm not sure this is going to work, your majesty..." he said.

"My name's Ryoga; damn you," the wolf growled, pulling himself up, stumbling. John's impressive cock was only half-full, hanging in front of him like a warm tube of meat. "We just need the right angle. In more than one way," he chuckled.

"But what?"

Ryoga clapped his paws as an idea hit him. "The baby shower."


_ _ "Let's crash it," he said with a grin. "Show all those femmes, giggling about babies and romance and feelings, a couple of horn-dogs buttfucking right in front of them. Balls deep in front of your Queen and Princesses!"

"Your majesty! Er, Ryoga ..." John said with a start, but his cock sprung to life, and mage's fire glowed behind his ears.

"Pounding your Prince's royal rump in front of your lover and your former schoolmistress!"

"I couldn't!"

_ _ The wolf licked his lips and walked up to John, pushing the head of his cock against the other's. The mouse groaned in lust.

"Oh, I know you can ... "

Tina slammed through the defensive line, taking the ball a third of the way down the field before a cheetah caught up to her, dove, and a loud ripping sound rung in her ears as she slipped in some mud and planted tits-first into the ground. She stood groggily. The front of her was sticky with mud, negligee clinging to her stomach and breasts. The back of the garment was gone, revealing her muscular buns in a string-tight bikini.

"Goddess; already?!" she exclaimed. Suddenly the gain in yards didn't feel so great.

"You'll be as chaste as a nun in a convent, skunk!" Athena teased as they lined back up.

Tina growled at her, mud dripping from her chin. "Glad you Amazons are used to going long times without cock. I'll send you home crying."

The ball went into play and Tina dodged that cheetah, passing it off to a fox on their side before Athena leapt at her. The skunk remembered her wrestling and went low, grabbing the chest of the rabbit's negligee and pulling forward. Her claws hooked on Athena's cups, and with a long, drawn-out rip, she pulled her bra and the front of her nightgown off in a clump of torn fabric.

Athena landed on her side, woozily standing as the play finished, the fox running the ball to score. The Amazonian rabbit stood, her right side smeared in mud, her tits out in the open, and the front of the gown gone. Emboldened at the sudden loss of clothes, she stood with her arms akimbo, blushing as she saw more than a few cocks spring to life. She ate up all this lewd attention. Still, Tina had to pay.

Play continued and the ball switched sides; surprisingly the girls went a couple rounds without losing much more, although the random claw would tear deeper gouges in their nightgowns which became more decorative than they were proper attire. It accented the lusty activity brilliantly.

Tina lost her bra and her nightgown during a particularly savage play resulting in a massive pile-up: her strap hooked on the rhino's horn as she dodged by, and although she soon tackled the runner for a drastic defensive turn, she was now down to her bikini bottom, topless and muddy for the delight of all.

"This isn't over!" she yelled over the deafening roar of the crowd: the game was tied, but Athena still had her nightgown.

"You got a warrior's spirit and a slut's body!" the rabbit taunted, "Let's see what a sexy loser looks like!"

"She's got long ears and a stubby tail!"

The ball went active and the two ran right for each other. The infantry scored again and the game was finished, but more than half the crowd's attention was focused on the writhing, muddy furpile happening just short of the endzone. A fox, a cheetah, a bear, and two screaming females were going at each other until finally, the referee blew his whistle and two paws shot up through the pile.

One held a pair of panties, the other, a pair of panties and a nightgown.

"Oh, dude, it's a tie," the rhino said as he helped bodies untangle from each other. Athena and Tina were sitting in the mud, covered in the messy stuff, tits and pussies exposed otherwise. The skunk was first to speak. She was panting.

"...cocks for everyone?"

"Yes, but I outrank you, so me first."

John and Ryoga crashed through the lounge doors already in delicto flagrante, Ryoga giggling and slapping at a lusty mouse hot on his heels, cocks full and bouncing, until John tackled the wolf face down onto the table to the surprised screams of all the femmes. Queen Malva was first to speak.

"Majordomo! What are you ... ?"

"My husband!" gasped Jasmine, "Here?!"

Ryoga moaned as John angled his cock up in between the wolf's firm buns, Ryoga's silver and alabaster tail raised obediently.

"This is for you, my love!" the wolf panted as his muscular consort angled the head against his hole, "That I may be a woman just like youuuu-Oh!"

Robin squealed as her husband was penetrated right before her. She grabbed onto Jasmine's knee and shoulder, shaking her in delight as John made a show of feeding the Crown Prince of Jahaliya's ass inch-by-inch.

Jasmine put her paw to her lips and giggled, her ears burning red. "Yes, my husband; let me know should you conceive and we'll throw a shower for you, too."

Sylvia was alongside Malva, the two older femmes shaking their heads with suppressed smiles that were slowly breaking loose. "How very brazen," she commented, "but I'm sure this was all your son's idea."

John hilted in Ryoga's ass; their pendulous sacs knocked together and John's tail whipped behind him.

"He's a majestic example of Jahaliyan blood; isn't he?" Malva chuckled, confiding in the lioness. The younger females were much more involved: Lydra, for example, had her eyes wide as she stared at her lover who was now the center of attention and a fine exhibitionist.

John confidently gave her a wink as hereturned her gaze; he found this flagrant affair thrilling, titillating--not only was his cock buried in the tight rump of a beautiful wolf, but it was for the pleasure of all these femmes, who were clearly enjoying themselves. One of the Harem girls, Eleanor, was making out with dalmatian Perditia, and their paws were not shy with each other's bodies.

"For Jahaliya?" Jasmine asked with a grin, the jackal crossing her legs over a warm, enlivened moistness.

Ryoga lurched forward as John gave him a mighty hump, yelping in pleasure his pre shot onto the table. The mouse had both paws on his hips and drilled into him with fervor.

"No-Oh! My love. Ah-All for you."

John snarled and pulled his hips flush with Ryoga's, his teeth clenched and glowing with fire as he emptied his hot, sticky load into the Prince's ass. The wolf came soon after, coating the table in wet streaks of spunk.

"This is the best baby shower I've known," Jasmine remarked, getting on her knees to kiss her husband on the lips. Ryoga and her locked muzzles and their audience sighed with approval.

"I almost want puppies," Robin said, lounging on the couch and watching the three romantically intertwine.

The foot soldiers had their celebration and cut it short as the game's attention circled back to the females, who were slowly peeling themselves out of the mud and wiping some of it off so they might again see the texture of their fur. The game's commentator, from whom they had not heard much because of their directed focus, strutted out onto the field and congratulated both of them. It was a husky with large shiny teeth and a harness with large shoulderpads.

"I just want to thank you ladies for an amazing game today," the husky said as he shook their muddy paws, "I haven't seen such a grand display of sportsmanship and sexuality in the seasons I've been here. Athena, Tina, now that you've stolen the spotlight from the annual Infantry-Sailor game, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to Dick World!" Tina shouted, whereas Athena threw back her head and laughed.

The announcer turned towards the teams, which were already gathering around them. The fox, cheetah, rhino, and bear seemed particularly excited. Some players instead elected to hit the showers.

"C'mere," was all the rhino needed, and the muddy rabbit got to her knees and started tonguing the head of his thick grey-and-black cock in the middle of the field in view of the grandstands, the announcer, bystanders, everyone. The rabbit promptly snapped her fingers, her jaws wide open and cheeks filled with rhino cock, sending the fox to her back end where the vulpine took his narrow muzzle and started licking everything down there, going from her pussy to her rump and back, getting everything wet and pliable. He spit when mud gathered in his mouth.

The cheetah, the bear, and husky took their attention to Tina, and on the skunk's command (and a thumbs-up from Athena when she heard it, grunting and gagging as the rhino fucked her face), the bear charitably lifted the skunk up between the announcer and the cheetah. Tina sunk right down on both their cocks, a cat in her ass and a husky in her pussy, the bear lifting her up and down on the smaller males' cocks until they were holding each other and fighting not to cum.

Athena's eyes went wide when the fox slid inside her, his nimble paws stroking and clawing through her back as his knot teased her labia, their fat swollen flesh bumping up against each other. She gulped down pre as the rhino pistoned his monster in and out of her throat, and soon she was locked in from both sides as the rhino's balls hit her chin and the fox slipped his knot inside her, spanking her muddy buns and making her writhe.

People came and they came hard. Tina trembled as her body clamped down on both the cocks inside her, milking them as they poured out their payload deep in her pussy and ass, soon dribbling down the males' thighs. Their chests and stomachs were covered in mud from sandwiching the filthy skunk.

The General's paw shot to her bulging stomach as the rhino came and kept on cumming, the thick syrup pouring down her throat and filling her up. The fox in back, tightly knotted in her and sinking his claws into her rump, only added sexy insult to sexy injury as he locked every drop he squirted out inside her, his hot, pulsing member throbbing against her walls.

"And an after-game special even better than the game!" the announcer chuckled as he pulled out of Tina, kissing her between her muddy breasts, "Surprises are abound in Jahaliya."

Past the grandstands he saw a slow procession make its way out, and the husky put his paw to his brow to shade away the sun. "And I'm just getting news that Princess Jasmine's baby shower has come to a close. What a beautiful day this has been, Jahaliya!" he shouted back to his muddy orgy. They cheered back, as did their bystanders and the crowd still in the grandstands, some of which had taken to their own sexual delights.

"Goddess Bless you, Jahaliya. So long and good night!"

Jasmine emerged from her bath preened, perfumed, and her fur feather-light and floating around her body's edges. Backlit from a hot lantern in the hall, she looked positively angelic, and Robin welcomed her jackal wife with a tender kiss and a spot on their vast, silky bed.

Ryoga arrived soon after in a transparent spider-silk robe, holding a crystal glass of Jahaliyan Creme and a scroll of light reading.

"Evening, my loves; I pray your party was felicitous despite my flagrance."

Jasmine giggled and sat up in bed, feeling her tail try to wag under her legs.

"What in Goddess's name could you mean?" she asked, her smile as soft as her fur, "I would expect nothing else from the brash, bombastic Crown Prince that is our husband."

Ryoga gave a light smirk, amusement playing on his serious features, and then set his scroll aside, sipping from his crystal glass. "Yes, but the Crown of Jahaliya--my mother--had quite the diatribe for me afterwards. I shan't be pulling a stunt of that type in the near future."

"Dreadful shame," Robin said with a sardonic sneer. Jasmine grinned and gently swatted at her.

"It was my shower and I liked it," she said, "And you can't forget about John; he should perish if left starved of our husband's sensual, tight rectum."

"My dear, you are restored to salaciousness," the wolf chuckled as he strode into the room, setting his glass down and removing his robe, "I am glad. No; I think John shall manage without my rump's embrace. He's assured me he prefers that vaginal cling about his cock, and shall instead be nurturing his newfound exibitionist kink by rutting the Harem most enthusiastically. I'll miss him," he said, slipping into bed between them, kissing them both on their cold, wet noses. His cheery look soon settled into its stoic alabaster ardent repose, and Ryoga looked full at his jackal wife. Jasmine returned his passionate stare.

"Something tells me that I'll have nobler responsibilities to attend to, soon."

"My Lord, Goddess tells me you were born to bear children," his wife said with a smile, "That is, once I have produced them for you."

"That should be my responsibility, too."

Jasmine charitably smiled and kissed him on the cheek, cradling his jaw.

"Leave the hard stuff to me, love. Then again, there's diapers, teething, toddlers, the nasty nines... Oh, Robin! We'll eventually have teenagers!_With _Ryoga's blood!"

The back of the wolfess' head hit the headboard. "That shall be the fall of Jahaliya."

Ryoga laughed, blushing if a bit embarrassed, and rolled over to straddle Jasmine. She looked down at his sheath, a heavy silhouette in the light behind him, then up at his hungry face. The jackal smiled and cupped his warm, fuzzy sac, kissing her husband on the chin.

"My Lord, your role as father is complete, at least for the next nine months. I am already pregnant."

"I have two wives to please, pregnant or not. My role as _husband_continues indefinitely."

Jasmine wrapped an arm around him as she moved her hips into position, her inner thighs already feeling the heat from his loins. Robin moved into position alongside them, stroking Jasmine's stomach as she licked Ryoga's cheek.

"At least for the next forty-five minutes. For Jahaliya?"

Ryoga snarled, angling his own hips as a cock emerged between them. "For me."

Five Nights at Fucky's 2: All Tied Up

"Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god." - Francis Bacon My name is Francis Bacon. I love drilling tailhole and I watched a man die tonight. The tale that follows takes place between 12 a.m. and now. Staring at the...

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