6 - Mousing Around

Story by Quillhog on SoFurry

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#7 of Billy

Billy meets the family at their home and is welcome. Written 2015-2016.

I was excited and nervous about spending time with Jin and in my anticipation, I woke early, but alone in their bed, as usual. I headed for the bathroom to wash up and get dressed. As I came downstairs, I saw Pinny at the table, working on their computer.

When she noticed me, she closed it and met me at the bottom of the stairs with a kiss, then nuzzled up to my ear and slid her paw down to hold my balls as she whispered, "Are you ready?"

Even with what I was half-expecting later, I couldn't be sure what she was referring to, but I nodded anyway.

She pulled back and smiled, then turned around to rub her tail on my covered crotch before bouncing off to the kitchen. She stood by the pantry and put her finger to her lips, then gestured to the door.

I walked over and looked inside to see the doc laying on the cot with a leg hanging off and a sheet pulled over him. I guessed that they finished their celebration down here, but I wondered if Pinny slept any.

She walked up to me and lightly kissed my lips as she pushed me against the wall, then knelt down in front of me and pulled my apron aside to free my mild erection. She took it into her mouth without hesitation. Her tongue sensually stroked my length as it grew and she gently fondled my balls. When it was full, she let it slide from her mouth and stroked it with her paw as she wrapped her mouth around my balls and licked them just as tenderly.

I was lost in the sensation, trying not to make a sound except for my quills scratching on the wall.

She let my balls slip from her lips and tucked her nose under them. Her breath sent a warm shiver through me, then she let my balls slide off her nose and kissed the tip of my erection as she stood up. She turned around and walked to the sink, sliding her paw slowly off my shaft.

I stared at her as she wiggled her tail over her skirt and slowly washed her paws. I noticed the doc smiling at me from the doorway, completely naked, then he walked up to his wife and wrapped his paw around her tail. He tried to lean around her for a kiss, but she dried her paws, then pushed him against the counter.

She held her nose against his and slid her paw down to grab his erection. She stared into his eyes for a moment, then grabbed his sides and lifted him onto the counter. She bent down and quickly swallowed his shaft.

He gave me a satisfied smile, then gasped and his eyes went wide. He grabbed the base of her ears, moaning and grunting as he squirmed on the counter.

I couldn't see what she was doing, but he seemed to be unexpectedly enjoying it.

He gasped with eyes wide again and wrapped his legs around her sides, staring at me as he grunted and groaned his pleasure.

I looked at her rear sticking out and wondered if I should join, but her tail was down, on top of her skirt.

He suddenly yelled and his feet hit the lower cabinet doors with a bang as he spread his legs.

She stood up and licked her lips and I noticed that she was clenching the base of his shaft as it throbbed above her paw.

He looked pleadingly at her, gripping the edge of the counter and clenching his toes. "...Please..."

She tossed a dishrag on his lap and casually stepped aside to wash her paws again.

He grabbed the rag and moaned his relief, spreading his toes as he filled it. He smiled at me, then leaned to her for a kiss.

She grabbed a towel to dry her paws and swatted his butt to get him off the counter, then pointed past me.

The doc smiled at me as he hurried to the stairs, holding the rag over his crotch.

I was ready to burst as she walked up to me, but she smiled and tugged my apron over to hide my eager erection, then went back to the table to finish what she was doing on the computer. I pushed myself off the wall and looked around for a grasp on the situation. Since she was doing something else, I decided to make breakfast. When the doc came back down, dressed for work, it was ready and we ate, then started our day.

It was a difficult morning for me because my balls were aching and all I could think about was the little white mouse I had met four years before. I knew she was older now and so was I, but I had to keep pushing away thoughts of her smaller self smiling up at me as I pushed into her virgin hole. I reminded myself that she was very pregnant and probably wasn't thinking about having sex anytime soon, but when a pregnant ferret came in and complained to the doc that all she wanted to do was have sex and her husband couldn't keep up, I saw young Jin smiling up at me with her large pregnant belly as I thrust into her and I had to hide in the pantry for a while.

After a couple more patients, Pinny came to check on me. One look at me and she wrapped herself around me in a comforting hug. She held me for a moment as my erection throbbed and I wished it would go away, so I could relax. Then she whispered in my ear, "Are you ready?"

I couldn't go out in front of patients like I was and quietly groaned, "No."

She leaned back and smiled at me, then sat me on the cot and knelt in front of me. She smiled up at me as she gently rubbed over my aching crotch, then put a finger to her lips as she pulled aside my apron and slipped her mouth over my shaft.

It was a relief and I caught her ears in my paws as I sighed silently, then she started working harder. I tried not to moan or cry out and disturb the patients, but she was sucking firmly and her tongue was teasing every inch of me. I stifled a grunt, but threw back my head and squealed as I finally released into her mouth.

She sucked me dry, then soothingly licked me clean.

I looked down at her as I caught my breath and noticed the doc standing in the doorway. I tensed and my quills spread. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! I tried to be quiet."

The doc chuckled, "Relax, it's lunch time. Nobody else is here. Are you ready to go visit your friend?"

Pinny got up and walked past him. He glanced at my lap and I quickly pulled my apron into place and got up.

"Well, at least you won't be too horny and jump her bones in front of her father."

I'm sure I turned every shade of red as I instantly imagined that scene.

The whole ride there, Penny kept looking over at me with a smile that just made me more nervous. She pulled up to the curb and I looked at their stairs with a sigh. I'd never spent any time with Jinsey; never gotten to know who she was. We were just two kids and now we were thinking of trying a relationship.

I was pretty sure I could be a good father. I had plenty of practice with Mutt. I just wasn't sure if Jinsey and I were a good match. I remembered Mutt talking about his mysterious vixen and wondered if there was a porcupine girl out there for me. Or was Jin my girl?

"Only one way to find out," Pinny's sudden soft voice brought me out of my head.

"Huh?" I sometimes wondered if she could hear my thoughts.

"Go on up. It's not my visit."

"Yeah." I opened the door and took a breath. The stairs seemed like a mountain across a cement desert as I crossed the couple meters from the car in slow motion.

Pinny met me at the bottom and grabbed my arm, "Come on. She already likes you and even if she changes her mind, I won't." She kissed my cheek and my trepidation melted under her warmth.

At the top, I pushed the doorbell button and almost instantly, the door swung open. Jinsey rushed out and hugged me tightly, finding my lips for a passionate kiss. I hugged her back, cautious not to squeeze her belly too tight, and returned the kiss with the same enthusiasm until I noticed her father smiling in the doorway.

I pushed Jin back to break the kiss, "Maybe we should go inside?"

She squeezed me again, then nearly dragged me through the door by my hand. Once inside, she locked her lips on mine again and her father chuckled, exchanging glances with Pinny.

"Well, lunch is ready, whenever your mouths are available." Her father clearly had a good sense of humor about this.

Jinsey pulled back and I could see her ears blushing, then she pulled me along to the kitchen. She sat me down and took the seat beside me, not letting go for a moment. Her father and Pinny joined us and we ate. I'm not sure how Jinsey managed it, holding onto me with one hand and talking nonstop the whole time. She told lots of stories of Billy growing up and promised to show me a mountain of pictures.

When we finished eating and cleaned up, out came those pictures and each one had a story Jinsey was eager to tell. After a while, her father got up and stretched, "Well, I need to get some things from the store before Billy is done with school."

Pinny got up with a smile, "Mind if I tag along? I need some things and no sense making two trips."

Mr Hiller smiled at her, "I would love to have your company."

Pinny smiled and bounced over to take his arm, then waved as they started for the back door.

He stopped suddenly and turned back. Pinny grabbed his shoulders and lifted on her toes to avoid knocking him down. Her body pressed against his and arched over it, accentuating their height difference as her chest flattened his ears. She quickly righted herself beside him with a slightly embarrassed look. He smiled at her, then turned back to us, "Play nice. We'll be back in about an hour." he wrapped his arm around the rabbit's waist as he opened the door and guided her out ahead of him, giving a wink to us as he closed the door.

Jin seemed a little stunned, "Do you think my dad is flirting with Pinny?"

"I'm not worried about it. She can handle herself. She'll let him know if he goes too far."

"Would she hurt him?" she squeezed my arm.

"No more than his pride. She's a pretty amazing rabbit."

She smirked at me, "Should I be jealous?"

I gave her an incredulous look, "She's happily married and she wants me to be, too."

"But you live with her and she's carrying your baby."

She had stepped into a topic I wasn't quite ready for, "I may have helped make it, but it's their baby. I don't want to get in between what they have. I'm not sure how it's going to work, but ... I'm not sure how anything is going to work anymore. I used to feel I had living on the street all figured out, but I'm starting over in a whole new world now and feel like I have to learn the rules all over again."

She hugged my arm, then lifted her nose and we kissed. I felt all of my worries melting away into her lips. The world washed away until it was just me and her and nothing else mattered. She stroked my cheek as she broke the kiss, smiling up at me, "We can live it together."

We kissed again and it felt like hours zipped by around us while we were wrapped up in each other. I wanted to keep kissing her forever, but she got up and led me to another room

She sat me on the couch and sat beside me, then snuggled up to my chest and I held her close. It reminded me of our first night and I couldn't help but think of the first time I saw her young slit, then how it felt as I had pushed inside her, so very tight. I could feel my stiffy tenting my apron, so I tried to distract myself, "Y'know, we have a lot of catching up to do. We never really got to know each other."

She looked up at me with a smile, "I know you're smart and kind and strong and gentle and protective and I've missed you."

I felt her paw wrap around my erection. While I was listening to her, she had untied my apron and freed it. I very much wanted to repeat our previous night, but doc's words echoed in my head, 'It's time to grow up and meet the responsibility of building a stable life for your families.' As much as I knew we should be planning our lives together my body just wasn't cooperating, "Jin."

She winked at me, then turned to my lap and swallowed my shaft whole. I gasped in surprise, still remembering her little licks from before. I put my paws behind her head and moaned as her tongue danced around my erection. She had obviously had some more experience since our last time, but so had I. I stroked the rims of her ears with my thumbs as current pleasure mixed with memories, pushing out all rational thought. It felt nothing like Pinny's ministrations, but I enjoyed it so much more. I knew this was just for me; I didn't have to share or worry about anything. Soon I was exploding in her mouth and she sucked it all down, making sure I was done before she slid off the tip with a pop and smiled up at me, gently stroking it.

I stared at her in such bliss that I couldn't put words together, but she didn't need any. The young mouse stood up in front of me and slowly took off her shirt, her large, pregnant belly in front of my face. She reached back to unclasp her bra and revealed her small, but ample breasts. She didn't have those last time. I smiled at how much she had grown since then. She rubbed her paws under her breasts, lifting them up, then slid her paws down, over her round belly. I watched them slide over her more adult form, brushing through her short, white fur. She stroked her thighs and turned around, then bent over as she slid her skirt and panties down to present her wet and open sex. She looked back at me with an expectant smile as she danced her slender tail around behind her petite rear.

I put my paws on her hips and gently stroked them, then gave her a wink and leaned in. Her scent was so much stronger than I remembered. I stuck out my tongue and gave her a long, slow lick. She moaned in response and I repeated it. I continued those slow, teasing licks, listening to her moans of pleasure, until she stepped back, pushing her sex on my nose. I took the hint and stepped it up, flicking my tongue quickly over her clit and occasionally sticking it inside her.

I was just starting to realize why Mutt liked licking so much when she stood up suddenly and turned around. She grabbed my face and kissed me passionately, leaning her belly into my lap. I rubbed the sides of her belly as we kissed, then she went limp and melted onto the couch beside me. She smiled at me and rubbed her paws over her belly. I smiled back and put my paws on her belly to join the rubbing. She spread her legs and I let my paws wander wider, stroking her belly and thighs and in between. She closed her eyes and sighed happily, moving her own paws up to rub her breasts.

I slid off the couch and onto my knees and kissed her belly. I stroked over her clit, then slowly pushed a finger inside her as I kissed it. She moaned in pleasure as I flicked my tongue over her clit and probed my round claw inside her. She gasped and clenched around my finger and I smiled, rubbing over that spot more. Soon her breath was coming in short gasps with occasional squeaks and I knew she must be close. I pulled my finger out and pushed my tongue in as I slid my paws up her thighs to her knees, then stood up and leaned over her. My erection had returned and I guided it in, pushing to the hilt.

Jin was panting heavily and holding her large, round belly as I began thrusting into her. We were both enjoying it and not bothering to be quiet about it. I moved my paws to the sides of her belly as I thrust and she grabbed my arms. I felt so free and empowered, just letting my pleasure show and hearing her cries echo mine. I wanted to continue forever, but my legs disagreed. Fortunately, I heard her voice rise into a squeal and she clenched around me. I buried my erection inside her tightness and moaned as we both enjoyed a mutual orgasm. I looked down at her and sighed, gently rubbing her pregnant belly.

She seemed even more beautiful laying under me with her head back, her eyes closed and a smile on her face. I slid my paws up her sides and rubbed over her breasts as I leaned over. She opened her eyes and looked at me just as I kissed her lips, then held my face as we both kissed tenderly. For the moment, I felt like that was just where I was meant to be, wrapped around this beautiful mouse, new life inside her, hiding under the protection of my quills. I didn't need to get to know any more about her, this was right.

I froze as the sound of the door opening shattered the moment. Realization shot through my brain and I pushed myself off of Jin. She had heard it too and was scrambling to right herself, so I offered a paw as I reached down for her clothes. She held them over herself as Pinny and her father strolled past, straight to the kitchen. I almost thought they didn't notice us, but the rabbit gave me a wink as she slipped out of sight.

I looked down and noticed my apron had fallen into place, but still needed to be tied. First, I helped Jinsey get her clothes on quickly. Not that there was anything wrong with being naked in her own house, but she was dressed when they left and we didn't really want to discuss what happened while they were gone. Neither of us regretted it, but it wasn't exactly a rational decision.

Once she was covered, I kissed her and sighed, then turned around to find Pinny and Mr Hiller standing in the doorway. The rabbit had a big smile on her face that made me a little nervous, while the older mouse seemed to be trying to avoid any expression at all. I was almost afraid of which one would speak first. I glanced at Jinsey and she was practically glowing red under her white fur. I think she would've been happy to hide under the couch if her belly didn't prevent it.

Pinny leaned over and whispered in Mr Hiller's ear, her nose brushing the edge. He coughed and cleared his throat, shuffling uncomfortably, then caught his breath and broke the awkward silence, "Would you two like something to drink? We picked up some juices and c...um..." he swallowed hard, then Pinny elbowed his arm and he quickly recovered, "Colas." I could see him turning red like his daughter as he hurried back to the kitchen while Pinny left another wink and followed him.

I looked at Jinsey and she gave me an embarrassed and confused look. I glanced down and noticed she had her legs open and a wet spot forming on her panties. I leaned over and suggested she get cleaned up before we join them. She turned red again, then leaned forward to grab my erection. It had managed to escape my loose apron and I wondered if her father had seen it.

I got myself tied back up while Jinsey hurried off to her room, then I crept into the kitchen to find Pinny hugging Mr Hiller. When he noticed me, he pushed her away and cleared his throat again, trying to make nothing of it.

"So. Did you get reacquainted? Er, Do you know each other better now? I mean,..." he looked up at Pinny, flustered, "What do I mean?"

She put her paw on his shoulder, "It's okay, Greg. They're fine."

She kissed his ear and he turned red again, then scrambled to get cups and move the conversation on to something else, "What would you like to drink?"

I was happy to skip the discussion of anything that had happened that day, "I'll have some of that apple juice."

Jin came back and with a look at her father's expression, "What'd I miss? What's wrong?"

Mr Hiller pulled a smile onto his face, "Nothing's wrong. Have you heard from Mrs King?"

Jinsey accepted the distraction warily, "Not yet, but it's still early." She leaned to me and whispered, "Is he okay?"

I whispered as quietly as I could, "I think he saw us."

Her eyes went wide, then she hid her face against my shoulder. I hugged her and Pinny gave me a flustered look.

"Well, it's been a nice visit," he cleared his throat as he busied himself with serving and cleaning, trying not to look at anything. "We have about half an hour until we have to go pick up Billy, our Billy, which is your Billy, little Billy? Oh, warren."

Pinny set her drink down hard on the table, grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up straight, and pushed him back against the counter, holding him firmly. "I don't know where you learned that word, but I'm tired of you abusing it. There is nothing wrong with you being happy for your daughter or even enjoying seeing her happy. She has grown a lot since she was your baby and she has a baby of her own, your granddaughter, and you have every right to be proud of her. Just don't forget that you are still alive, every part of you."

He looked terrified for a moment as everything processed and he started to defend himself, "I'm sorry, Maude's father would use it all the time and I picked it up from her." He took a deep breath and sighed, and looked at me as Pinny released him, then smiled at Jinsey. "Would anyone like some cheese?"

Pinny picked up a paper package and headed for the fridge, "This is for later."

"Well, um, we still have some time. What should we ...?" He looked at us nervously, then looked to Pinny.

The rabbit closed the fridge and stood up straight, "I think it would be a good idea to get there early and introduce Billy here to the school."

Jinsey grinned, "I think that's a great idea! Then he can pick her up sometimes."

"Well, I don't have a car, or even know how to drive."

"I can teach you." She clung to my arm happily.

"Maybe Pinny should teach him."

Before Jin could object, the rabbit slid her arm around Mr Hiller and leaned against him, "I think you would be a great teacher."

He glanced at her breasts beside his face, then tried to ignore them, "I, uh, I could do that."

Pinny giggled and leaned down to kiss his ear, "We should go before we're too late to be early."

"Right! Everyone in the car." He headed quickly for the door with his tail shaking nervously behind him.

Pinny intercepted us and Jinsey reluctantly let go of my arm as she leaned close to whisper in my ear, "You should go to the bathroom and clean up before hugging your daughter."

I hadn't thought about it. I looked down, but my apron was dry. I probably still smelled like mouse sex and wondered if that was what was bothering her father. After a quick pit stop, I joined them in Mr Hiller's car and we headed out.

Jinsey clung to my arm in the back seat the whole ride there while I kept a nervous watch on her father, but he only glanced at Pinny while she stole smiling glances back at us.

As we pulled up behind a line of cars waiting at the curb, a gray cat was talking to the people in the car in front of us. She finished her conversation, then walked over to speak with us.

"Hello, Mrs King." Jinsey sat up, but kept a hold on my paw.

"Afternoon, Miss Hiller, Mr Hiller. Looks like you have a full car today." She leaned down to look at everyone.

"This is Billy's father."

Pinny leaned back to look at me, "Why don't you get out and introduce yourself?"

I opened the door and stood up. She watched me as I walked around the car to offer her my paw, then took it with a smile.

"I can definitely see the resemblance. Does she know you're coming?"

Jinsey leaned out of the window, "She knew she would see him today, but we only just decided to bring him along."

"I see. So you've already met her?" There was a shriek by the door that took her attention.

"BILLY!" The little mouseupine broke away from the line of kids coming out of the building and zoomed down the walkway and around the fence to jump at me.

I caught her and picked her up and she hugged my neck with a gleeful squeal.

A panting beagle jogged up and held up a bag and the gray cat chuckled as she took it, "Billy, you know better than to run away from the rest of the group."

The happy bundle of hair in my arms drooped and she looked over her shoulder submissively as she clung to my neck. "I'm sorry, Mrs King. Do I have to go back?"

"I'll let it go this time." She pet Billy's back as she handed me the bag. "Excuse me while I finish distributing my children."

As the cat left, Jinsey grabbed the bag from me and slid across the back seat. I opened the door and managed to get inside without dropping my excitedly wiggling daughter. Though, she was clinging to my neck so tight, I doubt she would have slipped an inch. Once in the car, she popped off for a moment to hug her mom tight, then started talking and reattached herself to me for the ride home.

"I was so excited that you were coming today that mommy didn't need to wake me up. I knew I had to go to school before you could come, so I didn't even complain. I told everybody that you were coming and I did all my work, so I could be at the front of the line and ..." She stopped and changed thoughts, "I have a Poppi _ and _ a Pappi." She squealed and bounced on the seat, then hugged my neck, then turned to her mom, "I have a Poppi and a Pappi."

Jinsey smiled, "You're going to call him Pappi, now?"

She froze as she thought, then shook her head. "His name is Billy, like me and I like my name because my pappi's name is Billy, too."

"If you're both called Billy, how do we tell you apart?"

Billy scoffed, "He's a boy and I'm a girl. Can't you tell?"

Pinny chuckled, "I can tell."

Jin swatted the back of the rabbit's seat, then turned back to her daughter, "But if I call Billy, which of you will answer?"

She huffed at her mom, "I'm Billy."

I looked at my mini me, "I'm Billy."

She smiled at me, then turned to her mom and nodded definitively.

Jinsey sighed and shook her head, giving up.

"Well, I think both Billys can help us eat the cheese we bought." Mr Hiller pulled the car to a stop and smiled at Pinny, then got out.

Billy cheered and giggled, "Do you like cheese?"

I nodded.

"I like cheese. Come on, get out. Let's go get some before Poppi eats it all.."

I opened the door and got out, then she slipped past me, grabbing my paw and pulling me inside. Pinny held the door and smiled at me as I followed my arm, then met Mr Hiller at the fridge to take the cheese from him.

Jinsey came in last, holding her belly, "Hold on, Billy, go wash your paws first."

"Come on, we've got to get clean so we can have some cheese." She grabbed my paw again and led me to the bathroom to wash.

When we came back, there was cheese, crackers and juice waiting for us.

"Sit by me," she patted the table, then climbed into her seat.

Mr Hiller leaned over, "This is special cheese. It's chocolate cranberry white cheddar."

"I like cheddar cheese."

"Well, this will taste different."

"I like chocolate, too." She picked up a slice and put it in her mouth, holding it there for a moment while she decided, then took a bite. "It tastes like cheese_and_ chocolate ... and something else."

Pinny watched her, "Have you ever had cranberry before?"

"I don't think she has." Jinsey was stacking a slice of cheese on each of her crackers.

"We'll have to let you try some sometime." Mr Hiller watched his granddaughter.

Billy shrugged and put the other half of the slice in her mouth, "I like it."

"Try a cracker."

She put the cracker in her mouth and took a bite, thinking about it, then scraped her tongue on her teeth as she put the uneaten half back on her plate, "It doesn't taste like anything."

"Try it with the cheese." Pinny held up a cracker with cheese on it and took a dainty bite to demonstrate.

Billy watched the rabbit and looked at her plate, "I'll just eat the cheese." She broke a piece in half and put both pieces in her mouth.

I chuckled and took one of her crackers to put on top of my cheese. She watched me eat my cheese and cracker sandwich, then did the same and smiled as she bit into it.

Mr Hiller chuckled, "Must be a Billy thing."

"I'm Billy," she stuffed the rest of her cracker sandwich in her mouth and grinned.

I smiled down at her, "I'm Billy."

"Well, don't forget your juice,Billy." Jinsey held up her glass.

Billy started to take a sip, but stopped and smiled, "It's bubbly juice!" She stuck her nose in the cup and sniffed deep, then giggled and took a sip.

After seeing her, I had to smell my glass. It tickled my nose and smelled of apples and I couldn't help but smile.

"I like bubbly juice." She looked up at me and grinned. "I've got my pappi and chocolate flavored cheese and bubbly juice. This is the best day ever!"

Everyone laughed and we finished our cheese, crackers and juice, then Jinsey shooed us all out of the kitchen, "Go show your ... pappi our room while I make dinner."

Billy grabbed my paw again and led me out, "Come on. I've got my own bed."

And she did; there were two beds in the small room

"This one's mine and that one's mommy's; you can sit on hers." She jumped onto her bed and grabbed a plush rabbit as I did as I was directed. "This is Tavi and mom has Morty. They can't sleep together or we'll have lots of little bunnies and there are too many of those. OH! Are you and mommy going to sleep together? You can make lots more mouseypines."

"I, uh ..." I wasn't sure how to answer her. I liked the idea of falling asleep cuddled with Jinsey and enjoyed having sex with her. I also liked the idea of making a baby with her on purpose, but I had already made a bunch of babies, most I hadn't even met and one would be sleeping in the same room.

"It's okay. You can think about it. You have to wait for the one growing from baldnose, anyway."


She waved her fingers in front of her nose, "Mommy's old teacher; she says he scratches his nose when he thinks and he must do it a lot, because he doesn't have any fur on top of his nose. Oh, I draw pictures. Mommy gave me a book with nothing in it, so I could draw all I want." She jumped off her bed and reached underneath it to pull out a spiral bound book, then opened it and set it on my lap. "Here's one I drew yesterday. That's you and that's me and here's mommy and Poppi. We're all in the house together, see?"

She continued showing me the pictures in her book and describing each one. I was only half listening as I thought about when I was her age. I couldn't remember anything about it, but it must have been nice like this, before I lost my parents. I had gotten so used to living with nothing but what I carried that having a bed and being able to save pictures under it seemed luxurious. The kind of thing Mutt would dream about. I was glad that she didn't have to grow up like I did and I wanted to make sure that none of my other kids did either.

"I didn't draw Pinny because I didn't know she was coming. Do you think I should?"

"I think she would like a picture from you."

I looked up to see Jinsey in the doorway as Billy flipped to a blank page and dashed to grab a box from under her bed. She started drawing and her mother came over to watch. It felt amazing just being close to them; a quiet moment with my own family. I rested my head on her pregnant belly, feeling safe and comfortable and happy.

Billy finished her drawing and held up the book, "Do you think she'll like it?"

"She has to leave soon. Why don't you go ask her?"

She started to go, then stopped. "Does that mean Billy has to leave, too?"

Jinsey nodded solemnly.

Billy dropped her book and quickly climbed up to hug me, "I wish you could stay forever 'cause you're my pappi."

I hugged her and didn't want to let go, "I would like that, 'cause you're my mouseypine."

She leaned back with a grin, "And I'm Billy."

I smiled back, "And I'm Billy."

She giggled and hugged me again.

"Come on, let's not keep the rabbit waiting, Billy."

She jumped down and scurried off with her book.

I put my paws on Jinsey's belly and looked up at her as I felt tears in my eyes, "I'm glad you found me. I'm glad I get to be here, even for a little while."

She looked like she was going to cry, too. "I don't want you for a little while. I'm not going to let go this time." She leaned down and kissed me and I kissed her back until she grunted as I felt a kick in her belly. She chuckled as she sniffed away her tears and looked at her belly, "Little guy must be jealous." She shook her head, "I still don't know what to name him."

"We'll think of something." I stood up and hugged her again, then turned her around and we made our way to the kitchen.

Billy was giggling as we came in.

Pinny smiled at us, "Dinner's ready. I need to go feed Winny"

"Does Billy _ have _ to go with you?"

Pinny shook her head, "He doesn't_have_ to."

Billy cheered.

"But you should find out if he _can_stay first."

She ran around to me and grabbed my paw, "Can you stay?"

"I would love to stay." I smiled at Jin.

Billy looked at her mom, "_Can_he stay?"

"I would be happy if he stayed." she looked to her father.

Billy got the message and spun around, "Ple_e ee e_ease Poppi, can he stay?"

"We don't have anywhere for him to sleep."

She wasn't going to let that stop her, "He can sleep in my bed."

"He's too big to fit in either of your beds."

She started to droop, then perked again, "You've got a big bed."

"I'm using my bed."

She sprung to him and grabbed his paw, her tail softly thumping against her legs, "Pleeeee_eeeeeeeeee__ eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee _..."

I had to interrupt, "I'm okay sleeping on the sofa or the floor."

Pinny scowled and Jinsey smacked my arm, "No more floor."

Mr Hiller sighed, "I guess sofa it is, then."

Billy cheered and hugged him, then grabbed my paw, "Come on, I'll show you where it is."

"It's time to eat first, Billy." Jinsey hugged my arm, then let go to set out the food.

"Oh yeah, you can have dinner with us, too!"

"Get your book off the table." Jinsey set four plates out.

Billy hurried to grab her book, then stopped, opened it, and ripped out the picture of Pinny to give to her.

"Why don't you keep it, but I _would_like a picture of you with your family."

Billy stared at her book, starting to droop, "But I wanted to keep that one."

"Can you draw me another one?"

"Yeah!" She sprung up and bounded around us.

"Later, Billy. It's time to eat." Jinsey placed a big, steaming dish of pasta on the table

Billy looked to Pinny, "Will you be coming back?"

The rabbit nodded and she ran off with a giggle.

"Wash your paws!" Jinsey scooped some pasta onto a plate.

Pinny walked around and kissed my cheek, then whispered, "I'll bring your things tomorrow."

I looked at her confused, because the only thing I owned was the apron she made for me and I thought I was only staying the night, but it seemed she thought it would be longer.

She turned around with a smile and tucked her arm under Mr Hiller's, "Would you walk me out?"

They headed to the front door as Billy came running back in. She climbed into her seat and gasped in glee, "_ CHEESE MONSTER _!"

"Inside voice, Billy."

She patted the table, "You can sit by me. You're gonna love this. It's got lotsa cheese and good stuff." She giggled and squealed, then noticed the empty chair. "Mommy, is Poppi kissing the rabbit?"

Jinsey froze and her tail gave a twitch that went all they way to the tip, then she leaned to look down the hall. She saw Pinny holding her father's shoulders, then open the door. "No. They're just saying good-bye."

Billy sighed, "Poppi needs someone to kiss him like Billy kisses you."

That twitch rolled down Jinsey's tail again and she looked at me as she sat down, then turned back to Billy, "Eat your dinner."

There was definitely cheese in it: hard cheese, soft cheese, gooey cheese. There was even cheese inside the pasta and we sprinkled more on top. I recognized carrots and beans, but even though I couldn't identify everything, it was still good.

"Poppi would make this when ma wasn't home. She said cheese was too expensive to put so much in one meal, so this was special."

"Today is special, 'cause my pappi is here. And my Poppi!"

Mr Hiller came back and sat down with a smile as Billy cheered.

"Did Pinny leave?"

"Hm? Yes, she went home."

Jinsey leaned closer to her father, "Did you... and her...?"

He looked very uncomfortable, "She ... wants me to meet someone."

"Are they going to kiss you?"


"It's a fair question." I defended my daughter.

Mr Hiller smiled, "I think that's Pinny's idea."

"It sounds like her." Though I suspected it probably included a more physical demonstration of why he should meet them.

"Poppi needs kisses, too."

"Poppi is just fine. Eat your dinner."

Mr Hiller looked dazed as he ate. I don't think he was ready for Pinny.

"I want kisses."

I leaned down and kissed her on the forehead.

Billy giggled, "You don't count, 'cause you're my pappi. I want someone to kiss me the way you kiss mommy that makes her tail curl."


I smiled at Jinsey and she blushed.

Mr Hiller leaned forward, "Don't be in too much of a hurry to get your tail curled. It makes everything messy and you don't even like to clean your room."

Jinsey glared at her father, but his statement gave Billy pause.

"Maybe I'll wait until I have my own room."

Jinsey pushed her daughter's plate closer to her, "You remember that. Just focus on your school and finish your dinner."

"School is fun!" In between bites, Billy tried to get me caught up on everything in her life. She talked about school and her mom's school and her Poppi's work. They interjected to clarify a few things, but mostly let her talk. After dinner, we all pitched in to clean up, then Billy wanted to show me more things in her room. "Come on, I can show you how I do my math."

"Why don't you show him how we wash your quills."

"Yeah! We can make your quills soft, too!" She pulled on my paw as she changed course.

Mr Hiller stopped her, "No, he's a lot bigger than you are and hasn't been taking care of them. We need more stuff."

"Oh, yeah, but he can help me with mine."

Jinsey was wrapping up the rest of dinner, "I'll be there in a moment."

"No, I want Billy to do it."

"We have to show him how."

"I can do it."

Mr Hiller took over straightening the kitchen and Jinsey followed us to the bathroom.

Billy darted in to grab a basket of bottles and brought it back to me. "Here's what I use to make my quills soft."

I took the basket and she quickly took her dress off, then climbed into the tub.

Jinsey slipped past me and turned on the water, adjusting it until she was satisfied, then took my paw, "Here, feel this."

I noted the warm water and smiled as Billy sat down, wiggling her legs to gently splash the rising water.

"Settle down, Billy. I know you're excited to have your pappi here, but you still have to be careful in the bath. Show him how well you can behave." Jinsey took took the basket from me and set it on the corner of the tub, then took out a bottle and poured a capful under the running water.

"I can be real good." She stuffed her paws between her knees and sat still, smiling at me as bubbles formed at her feet and we waited for the tub to fill.

"Alright Billy, time to soak."

My little mouseypine wiggled down until she was laying in the tub with her knees up. She pulled her hair down to her shoulders to make sure it was getting wet and got comfortable.

Jinsey turned off the water, grabbed a washbrush and squirted some soap into it, then gave it to me. "We scrub the rest of her while we wait for her quills to soak."

I hesitated, unsure of where to start, then gently rubbed the brush on her shoulder.

Billy giggled, "You have to scrub harder than that, pappi."

I smirked, "Like this?" I dropped the brush and tickled her with my claws.

She giggled and squirmed a little, then grinned and pushed her chest up.

I found the brush and started scrubbing her chest and belly, then worked my way down her legs. She picked up her feet and I scrubbed the bottoms; they were wide and flat, like mine, rather than dainty, like her mother's.

"Remember to clean everywhere."

Billy smiled and spread her legs expectantly, but Jinsey threw a washcloth on her belly.

"You can do it yourself."

She pouted, then grabbed the cloth and grunted softly as she rubbed it between her legs.

"Okay, are you soaked enough?"

Billy wiggled in the tub a moment as she thought, then smiled at me. "Not yet. Can you scrub my front some more?"

I rubbed the brush on her chest.

"No, without the brush. Your claws feel better than mommy's. Sorry, mommy."

I smiled and scritched her chest with my dull claws as she grinned and lifted it.

"Alright, you don't want your quills to get so soft they fall out, do you?"

"Uh uh!"

I pulled my arm back as Billy quickly turned over and lifted her butt out of the water.

Jinsey handed me a bottle, "This is the shampoo, just to get her hair clean; rub it in and it will lather up."

I did as instructed and handed back the bottle to use both paws, with Billy softly giggling and humming happily.

Then she handed me some scissors, "These are to trim any quills that got sharp or split. It will take a long time with yours, but she should only have a few to take care of because we do it every other day."

She was right, I found a few and clipped the tips.

"Try not to move the scissors while you're cutting, so it's a flat end and they don't split as much."

I followed her directions and worked my way down her back and tail.

"Don't cut my tail off, pappi."

I touched the back of the scissors to the skinny part of her tail and she squealed, pulling it between her legs and the quills at the top of it underwater.

"Billy, he didn't cut your tail. Get your quills out of the water, so he can finish."

"I know, I'm sorry." She lifted the top of her tail out of the water.

Jinsey whispered sharply to me, "Don't tease her; we don't want her to get scared of baths."

I started to apologize to her, but realized that she wasn't the one I needed to and leaned down to Billy. "I'm sorry; I was just teasing you."

Billy whispered, "I know, but mommy didn't."

"May I continue?"

She nodded and wiggled her butt to shake her quills.

I finished the rest and Jinsey traded me a blue bottle for the scissors.

"Now rub this at the base of her quills. It strengthens the roots so they don't get too soft and fall out."

"Don't miss any; I like my quills."

"So do I."

She giggled as I rubbed the pasty goo on her skin. When I finished, Jinsey pulled the shower head down and gave it to me. I looked at it a moment, because I hadn't noticed that it could do that, then followed her directions and sprayed Billy's back to rinse her off as the water drained out of the tub. We traded again and she gave me a big pink bottle for the shower head as she turned the water off again.

"This is the conditioner for her fur. It's okay if it gets on her quills, though. Just get it in everywhere."

Billy giggled as I rubbed the conditioner into her fur, pushing her back up and wiggling a little. When I finished, she whined and I tickled her side.

"Alright stand up and show me your nibblers." Jinsey leaned to me as Billy got up. "While the conditioner sets, we take care of her teeth."

Billy grinned wide, showing off her big front teeth, like mine. I grinned back and she giggled.

"No giggling and open up." Jinsey caught her daughter's chin and started rubbing her teeth with a metal file. "Her front teeth grow fast. Her doctor thinks it might be from combining two rodent DNAs that are overwhelming the human part."

I touched my teeth as I remembered, "I had to chew on things when I was little, but eventually they slowed down."

"Me, too!"

"No talking." She resumed filing a little more, then finished and traded it for a brush, "Maybe it's a porcupine thing, then"

"I wanna do it."

"Okay." She squeezed a paste on the bristles, then gave her daughter the toothbrush. Billy grinned and scrubbed her teeth as Jinsey looked at mine. "I think they're longer than I remember and you could use a brushing, too."

Billy held up her foamy brush for me.

"Finish up yours. We'll get your father his own."

"He's my pappi."

"Right, your pappi."

"I'm Billy."

I smiled, "I'm Billy."

She giggled, then squealed as her mother turned on the water and it rained down on her.

Jinsey handed me the shower head again. "Rinse her off, including her teeth and I'll get the towels."

Billy giggled as I sprayed her face and she rinsed her mouth. I sprayed down her front, then she turned around and I rubbed my claws through her fur as I rinsed out the conditioner.

Jinsey turned off the water and tossed a towel on Billy's head, "Let's get you dried off and ready for bed."

"I want pappi to rub my back some more."

"Get dried off and he can do it in your bed."

"Yay!" She giggled and rubbed vigorously.

"Slow down or you'll rip another towel." Jinsey started helping her daughter dry off. "We can't use the electric drier because it makes her quills brittle."

"I like my quills."

"I know, fuzz head." She rubbed the towel on her daughter's ears and left it there.


"Alright, go get ready for bed and we'll be in soon."

Billy climbed out of the tub and scampered away.

Jinsey rinsed out the tub, then hung up the showerhead, scooped a clump of hair and some quills from the drain, and dropped it in the trash.

"Not saving it?"

She sighed, "I do. Just not from every bath." She looked at the wet hairball, then pulled out a couple soft quills and held them up with a smile, "From her first bath with you. Poppi says she'll be doing it on her own in short time. I'm sorry you missed so much of her life."

I put my paws on her shoulders, "I'm here now and I'm glad I get to be part of her life."

She smiled and I leaned down to kiss her. She caught her teeth on mine and held me as we kissed. I could feel her pregnant belly against me and ran my claws over her back and sides. I could have gotten lost in that kiss, but I heard Billy giggle and Jinsey released my teeth.

She was standing in the doorway, now wearing soft yellow shorts and a grin. "Mommy, your tail curled."

Jinsey's ears turned red and she buried her face against my chest as Billy giggled again. "You're not waiting in your room."

"You're not coming."

Jinsey looked up at me pleadingly and gripped the top of my apron.

I looked to Billy, "How can we meet you there if you're not there? Let me finish saying good night to your mother and I'll come rub your back some more."

Billy bounced and scampered off again.

Jinsey pulled on my apron and whispered, "I wish you could say good night to me the way you did before."

I smiled, "Next time it storms, I'll comfort you."

She blushed, then giggled and hid her face against my chest. I held her close as she started to cry, "I've missed you so much. Ma left because I love you and I love my daughter. At least my Poppi still loves me."

I let her cry a moment as I held her. I felt guilty for breaking up their family, even though I couldn't do anything about what her mother did. I just knew that she had a good family now and I was part of it. "Jin, he's not the only one."

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and smiled, then I kissed her. She kissed back passionately, shaking in my arms until I felt a kick and she looked down, holding her belly, "There's the other one." She sighed and smiled up at me again. "Why don't you go say goodnight to our daughter and I'll deal with my son."

I wasn't sure what she meant, but she ushered me out and closed the door behind me. I headed for her bedroom and found her father sitting with Billy

"And look who's here. That didn't take long, did it?"

Billy giggled as her Poppi got up.

"Goodnight, my fluffy flower." He leaned down and kissed her head, then stroked her hair.

"Goodnight, Poppi."

He turned to me with a smile, "I hear you have some magic fingers."

I looked at my chubby paws and held them up.

He held up his slender paws and smiled, "I can't match your claws. Billy says they're good for scritching."


He scratched gently on my arm, "It's when you use your claws nicely."

"I want scritches," Billy wiggled in her bed.

"Settle down, he's right here." He turned to me and patted my chest as he left. "Good luck. When she gets wound up, it's hard to get her to sleep."

I smiled and sat down on the stool beside her bed. "So, where do you want scritches?"

Billy giggled and rolled onto her belly. "On my back first, then my front."

I started at her shoulders, working my claws through her hair and slowly moved down her back, scritching between her quills as she sighed happily. When I got down to her tail, I worked my way slowly back up. She was enjoying it and I didn't dare stop. I looked over my shoulder and saw Jinsey and her father in the doorway. He was holding her belly and kissed her cheek, then left and she walked in.

She watched for a while as I went up and down and up our daughter's back, then leaned over her and kissed her cheek. She stood up and leaned close to me to whisper, "I think she's asleep. Want to come help me sleep?" She took my arm and led me to her bed, where she carefully lay down on her side.

I sat on the bed beside her legs and she put my paw on her belly.

"I wish I could fall asleep against you. You felt so warm and safe."

I smiled, "Someday you can. We just need a bigger bed." I started scritching her belly and slowly worked my claws over the rest of her body. I listened to her happy sighs as I touched her and continued until her paw slid off of her belly. I sighed and looked at both of them sleeping peacefully in their beds. I wished I could join them, but the sofa was waiting for me. I stretched out and stared at the hallway as I remembered the day. We shouldn't have gone as far as we did, but we both had a lot built up from thinking about each other. I couldn't help thinking about the happy squeaks she made and I knew I wanted to hear them again. I froze as I realized that I was hearing squeaks and grunts, but they weren't hers. I followed them to her father's door, just as they stopped. I didn't want to disturb him, but I didn't want to walk away if something was wrong. I knocked quietly, hoping it wouldn't wake him if he was asleep.

The door opened a little and Mr Hiller peeked out at me.

"are you alright?" I whispered.

"I'm fine. I just had a ... I was dreaming. Excuse me. I should go to the bathroom." He pushed past me to the bathroom and closed the door.

He looked a little shaken up and I wondered if I should wait for him to come out, just to be sure, but then I felt someone touch my arm and found Jinsey beside me.

"what's going on?"

"I heard your father squeaking and grunting and checked on him."

"is he okay?"

"he's fine. It was just a dream." I didn't want to say nightmare and worry her.

She stroked my face, "if I'm having a dream, I don't want to wake up."

I smiled and kissed her lips as I pulled her close. I was glad it wasn't a dream, too.

"can I join you on the sofa?"

"what about your father?" I glanced toward his bedroom.

"he'll be fine."

"and Billy?" I didn't want my own three year old daughter to walk in on her parents doing more than kissing.

"she's asleep." She led me by my arm back to the sofa and we sat down together. My body was vibrating with anticipation and I was still hard from thinking about her before her father interrupted, but all I really wanted to do was hold her. I hoped she wouldn't think I was wanting to do anything with her father and our daughter so close. As much sex as I had had lately, with the rabbits and finally Jin, just holding her all night seemed like a perfect, blissful evening. She put my paw on her belly and snuggled up to me. It seemed like she had the same idea.

I wrapped around her and held her close, trying to be as warm and safe as I could.