My Brother's Secrets - Chapter 4: True Loves Kiss

Story by ZanaTheCute on SoFurry

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So, due to popular demand, this series is back. I hope you enjoy it guys!

My Brother's Secrets

Chapter 4: True Loves Kiss

I awoke the next day, massaging over Tom's chest, blushing softly. I went through many emotions before I settled on satisfied. The attractive roo was still asleep, holding me against him tightly as he snored quietly, clearly still in bliss from what we did last night. Last night started off as the most horrible night of my life, but that quickly did a 180. I leaned up, kissing Tom, who huffed happily in response.

"I love you, Tom."

He didn't respond. Then again, one had to expect that from a sleeping roo. I giggled quietly, letting my boyfriend sleep as I got up, letting the roo sleep in peace as I headed out to the living room. I stretched, still naked as I let the nice, cold morning air hit my body. I looked at the phone. Should I call him? The jerk that broke my heart? The one who planned on turning me into a womb on legs for his pack? I shook my head as I stepped into the kitchen, letting the kettle begin to boil.

"Damn, I missed that sexy ass."

I gasped, blushing as I turned and saw Tom. He was grinning, wearing boxers as he came over, wrapping his arms around my waist. He kissed me gently, wrapping his tail around mine as he held me there. He smiled down at me, brushing my bangs from my face as he chuckled. I frowned a little.

"What's so funny?"

He shook his head, just smiling as he kissed me once again, pushing that warm, slick roo tongue into my maw. I suckled on it gently as I kissed him back. I closed my eyes as he tightened his grip, either to keep me here or to protect me. Either way, I didn't care, because it felt good. I looked at the phone again.

"Do you think I should phone him, and let him know I'm alright?"

Tom went loose on his hold of me. I could tell he was unhappy with that question. He sighed softly as he rubbed my back, before he let me go.

"Fine. Call him. But don't tell him my address. I don't want him coming here and being a douche to me."

I nodded as my tail tucked between my legs. I tapped my chin. I then remembered something.

"Tom, could you move Ryder's car? I know he has that car tracker thing."

He nodded as he headed into the bedroom. He returned wearing a pair of shorts as he grabbed the car keys, heading out to the car. I heard him turn on the engine as I dialled the home number, biting my lip in fear.

"Yes, hello?"

It was the large male's voice. I sighed a little in relief that at least it wasn't Ryder who answered.

"Marvin, it's me. Chris. I just wanted to call to let you guys know I'm alright. But, I're going to have to tell Ryder that he and I are no longer together."

There was silence on the other side of the call. I held my breath as I awaited an answer. There was a click as the call was ended. I whimpered as I put the phone down. I felt my eyes becoming wet as I went back to the kitchen and began to make pancakes for Tom and I. Tom came back in, yawning as he spanked my rear. He sat down without another word.

"I-I'm sorry..."

He looked over in time to see tears run down my cheek. He sighed, walking over as he wrapped his arms around me, his chest to my back as I sob. He tried to cheer me up with rubs and kisses, to little success.

"Don't worry, my dear. I'm here. I still love you. I always will love you."

I nodded as I placed his slightly burned pancakes onto a plate as I looked up at him.

"I think that you won't have to worry about Ryder taking me away from you again."

It was obvious that he was trying to hide a smile, but he tried his hardest to try to console me. It was sweet of him. I closed my eyes as he wiped the tears from them.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. But hey, at least I can be a better boyfriend than he could ever be, right?"

I nodded slowly as I turned, kissing him deeply.

"E-Eat your pancakes, Tom."

He grinned, picking up his plate as he turned and sat down at the table. I shook a little at what he said. How could he say that? I guess he was correct. He could be a better boyfriend than Ryder ever was to me. And I know Tom wouldn't pass me around like a useless toy. I sat by him as I began to nibble on some pancakes, staring at the table. We sat there quietly, eating our pancakes. I could feel Tom looking at me. I didn't want to meet his eyes, not wanting to show him my doubts and worries, which were all over my face.

"You know, Chris, I wanted to ask you something, but I didn't feel it was the right time. I didn't want to ruin the sex and all."

I tilted my head looking up at him as I finished my pancakes. He placed a paw on mine gently, stroking and caressing it.

"What is it, Tom?"

He moved his chair closer to mine, wrapping an arm around my waist, stroking my hip. He leaned in, his lips against my ear.

"Why did you leave me for him?"

I gulped, looking down at my empty plate. I could tell by the slowly tightening grip that he wanted an answer now. I looked up into his eyes.

"To be honest, I...I don't know. One second, he was flirting with me, the next, he had my snout buried in his chest and I remember a strong, amazing smell. Then, he mated me. And for some reason, I just couldn't say no to him."

Tom kept eye contact with me, nodding quietly as he listened to me. He pulled me onto his lap, holding me tight. I laid my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"I'm sorry that I blamed you for leaving me, Chris."

And then, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head as I closed my eyes, passing out...

I lay awake in my bed, looking up at the ceiling. I was hoping that what happened last night was a dream. I hoped so hard. I love Chris, and to know he had felt hurt and betrayed was killing me. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes to get the sleep out as I looked over the room, looking for any signs that Chris had come home last night. No luck. I got up, wandering outside to the living room, stretching as I wrapped my arms around Marvin, licking his neck.

"Any luck with Chris?"

I was met with silence. Something was up. I knew it was. Marvin sighed softly, turning around and wrapping his arms around me.

"He called this morning. It was...not good."

I looked into Marvin's eyes, trying to see if it was bad news, or really bad news. I couldn't tell. He kept it too well hidden. I frowned softly as he leaned up, kissing me softly on the lips as he refused to say anymore. I sighed softly.

"Do you want to fuck, Marvin?"

He looked up at me, before he nodded. He pulled me as close as possible, kissing me deeply as he laid me down, pulling my cock out as he sat on it, beginning to push it into himself. He growled softly at the size, as he stroked my pecs gently. I felt his ass against my balls.

"It might hurt a little. I'll be careful."

I nodded as he slowly rode my cock, letting me feel the pleasure as his fat ass bounced on my lap. I groaned in delight as I laid my arms behind my head, flexing my biceps and pecs for him teasingly. He moaned at the sight, beginning to speed up and bounce a little harder. He winded me a little, but I beared it as I took the big fat ass on my dick.

"Mmm, Ryder, forget about that little sissy bitch and take me instead. We're perfect for each other."

I growled up at Marvin, shoving him off of my cock. He grunted as he fell to the floor. The larger male looked up at me, his eyes full of guilt and shame at what he said. I'm sure he didn't mean it, and he said it in the heat of the moment. But it still hurt me that he said that. It hurt a lot, though. I got up, going into my room and got dressed.

"I'm going for a walk, Marvin. If Chris comes back, keep him here, and don't let him leave, got it?"

Marvin nodded quietly got up and sat down on the couch as I left. He didn't look happy, but I didn't care. I needed to get some fresh air to clear my head out so that I could actually focus straight.

I woke up, groaning in pain as my head throbbed. I looked around the room. It was Tom's bedroom. I sighed in relief as I sat up. Except I couldn't sit up. I grunted and struggled to free myself from whatever was holding me. I panted, looking down at my wrists. They were tied down, and considering I couldn't kick my legs, they were tied down too.

"Oh, sweetie, you're awake!"

I looked to the right, hearing the voice. Tom was there, smiling at me warmly. He came over, leaning down as he kissed me deeply. I kissed him back in return.

"Tom, why am I tied down? And why does my head hurt?"

He smiled, stroking a paw through my hair gently. It was kind of soothing, but I was still quite scared by this. What was he doing? He tied me down. Did he knock me out before?

"I'm going to show you the best night of your life, so that way, you'll never think about that incestuous weirdo you call your brother. And you'll be staying tied down, of course. Can't risk you leaving."

I yelled and screamed loudly, hoping that someone would come and get me. I did not like his idea one bit. I loved him, and I thought he trusted me, but looks like I was wrong. I just wanted to be up and moving, not tied down like this. I saw Tom frown, before he pressed a gag into my maw. He then left.

"I'll be back in a moment, my sweet boyfriend."

I whimpered, wanting to be free of this. This was wrong! I thought that Tom would treat me like a person, not like a prisoner of love.

I panted. I had run quite far, and got pretty winded. I looked around when I heard screaming. What was that? It sounded familiar. I looked up at the place next to me. It sounded like it came from there. Whoever it was, they needed help! I ran over to the door, barging it open. I looked around the ground floor, before I hid under the dining table when I heard someone coming towards me. I saw a large pair of feet walking past. Probably a kangaroo or rabbit. When they passed by, I snuck out from my hiding spot, before I dashed up the stairs. I saw a closed door, with mumbling behind it. I slowly opened it, closing it behind me.

I cried out, but it turned into a mumble against my gag. I saw the door opening, trying to wiggle away from it as much as I could, before I saw...Ryder! He found me! I cried out and mumbled up at him. He looked shocked to see me. He ran over quickly, wrapping his arms around me tightly. "Oh, my gods. Chris! I found you! You were kidnapped! And I thought you left me forever."

He took the gag from my maw, before he leaned in, kissing me deeply, that slick tongue entering my maw. I suckled affectionately on it, before he quickly untied me. He helped me up, before we snuck out into the hallway. My throat was too dry to say anything, so I just stayed quiet. We heard someone coming up the stairs, so we hid in a closet quickly. After the steps stopped, we heard and angry yell, before quick footsteps ran past again, going down the stairs.

"Shh, be quiet, sweetie. They might find us."

I nodded quietly, before we snuck out quietly, trying to remain quiet. We saw the door wide open, and Tom was outside, looking around for me. Ryder let me go, as he dashed at Tom, knocking him over.

"Chris, run! Now!"

I nodded as I ran outside, before I dashed up the street without another word. I didn't even look back at what was going on. I didn't want to see anything I didn't want to see.

I threw a punch into the roo's back, panting as I got up, a footpaw holding the roo down, so he couldn't get up.

"Don't you ever kidnap my brother ever again, got it?"

I gave him a kick in the side as I ran after Chris. I felt a sharp pain in my hip, yelping loudly in pain as I sank to my knees. I had a cramp! I got up to my feet slowly, before I limped home. I looked over my shoulder to keep an eye on Tom. He only just got up to his feet, holding his side as he yelled every curse in the book at me.

"I don't care, Tom! If you come near us again, I'll make sure you regret it!"

I made it home after about a half hour of limping. I opened the door, spotting Marvin with Chris on his lap. I walked over, wrapping my arms around the pair, kissing them both deeply on the lips. Chris appeared to be asleep. The cutie must have been tuckered out from the day. Marvin smiled up at me, sighing softly.

"He passed out as soon as he made it to the door. He said he was tired. Are you ok? You're bleeding."

I looked at myself in the mirror nearby. Some blood was trickling from under my fur. I must have got a cut from the fight. I grabbed a sponge from the kitchen, soaking it and holding it up against the cut, hissing in pain.

"Yeah, I'm fine. His ex kidnapped him."

Marvin gasped softly, before he looked down at Chris. He frowned a little, before he gave Chris a kiss on the cheek, holding him gently against his belly.

"Marvin, I know you almost ruined my relationship, but would you like to be involved romantically with us?"

Marvin smiled, nodding softly. I huffed a little, before I stretched.

"I think its bedtime."

Marvin nodded, picking up Chris. We walked through to the bedroom. I flopped onto the bed, before I crawled under the sheets, huffing softly as I closed my eyes. I felt Marvin place Chris next to me, before he climbed in on the other side of Chris. We snuggled up to Chris, keeping him safe between us. I smiled as I looked at my boyfriends. Chris snored quietly, while Marvin smiled back at me.