Reunion- Part 7
Kurt went home that night and cried, he hated himself, he knew his parents kept a gun in the house, they weren't home, he took the firearm in his paw, an antique revolver, but he couldn't do it.
All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 6 - Twenty Percent Cooler
- the regal dream dvd in room 209 at the woodside apartments - the cupcake flyer in the confectionery stand at lakeside amusement park - the pegasus picture in the director's office of alchemilla hospital - the little pip action figure in the antique
The Bears go Marching on
Her clothes and dress just seemed to disappear altogether and from the area where they were had come an over sized padded table, a much smaller dresser that matched the room, and an antique toy chest.
Brotherly Love - The Last Dancer - Chapter Five
As the wedding refrain started, they all turned to watch as kelsie strode into view, wearing a beautiful antique bridal gown with long, flowing train behind it.
An Incubus' Claim
The antiques shop on morris street was the only business on the street, a converted home. several old and artfully rusted pieces of small farm equipment sat outside, along with a sign that read "a touch of the past!"
2628 (an Orr Family Story) CH 07
"finnegan gave me access to this antique model he built." "the columbia shuttle?" "you helped him i take it?"
Troubled Together - Pt II
Brolin felt his head fall on the desk hard and he began muttering madly under his breath. \* \* \* the incident with the antique cat left tirko with a bit of a rush.
Wishful Thinking
As a customer assistant at an antique bookseller, atali often has plenty of time to daydream. when it's quiet and he's not cataloging the latest purchases, he's thinking about his ideal life as a wolftaur, far away from the daily grind.
A Night Out
The combination living/dining/kitchen was softly lit by a couple low wattage lamps in corners and filled with antique furniture. "wow, this is fantastic! place must cost a fortune."
Getting into Trouble
The antique china cabinet had caused more debate than niko. roger absentmindedly rubbed his brother's shoulder. at least, that was how niko felt to him: a brother.
A short story.. By Karter Demonica
[color=purple] \*karter blinks confused and chuckles a bit patting his older brothers back playfully as the young pup walked beside an old antique but still fully operational mobile armor that was armed with 150 mm cannons and .177 mm machine guns
Moaning Mansion
Nezzy slammed into the wall and slid along its antique finish, side-walking along until he came to rest.