Hollow Eyes (Man & Woman to Cow)

Regurgitating cud was about as unpleasant a sensation as he anticipated. he wasn't sure exactly what type of leaves he was eating, but they hadn't seemed to bother molly so he assumed they could digest almost anything green.

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"Dog Sitting Gone Farmstyle" - Story by Kaz

The cow was currently chewing on cud, tail flickering about softly as it turned to look at the intruder. the cow itself wasn't what had shocked the dragon ; it was what else the barn contained that had.

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Unexpected Interruption- wolf on fire

Sure, the party was just starting, the bar was well stocked, the bartender knowledgeable, the buffet was complete - a little something for just about everyone except no long-grass for the cud-chewers.

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Finders - Keepers and Bully for All

Tim feeling such amassed changes happening to him, he began to chew his mouth, working it in cycled circles, learning how to much what he would graze as eat and later maybe chew a bit of cud. "tim, tim!" called alice.

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A water buffalo was chewing his cud while the lion licked the sweat off his low-hanging balls. usually it was the lionesses who teased him, bit and clawed at his ass, while licking and nuzzling him intimately.

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Making an Ass 4

His lips parted and he began eating the grass out of the planter, his flat teeth breaking through the blades easily, practically chewing his cud. he worked across the planter until there was nothing left but the roots, rising up to lick his lips.

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Chapter 6: Humans are Squishy

"cud jew remove your hand?" "it's really not-" "we aldredy got dah first aid kit out. migh das well use it," she insisted.


Chapter Six: Humans Are Squishy

"cud jew remove your hand?" "it's really not-" "we aldredy got dah first aid kit out. migh das well use it," she insisted.

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Story of Kelta - Prologe

Y cud by? ca?y czas bezpieczny. niestety poci?g którym mia? by? przewo?ony zmieni? si? w kup? p?on?cej blachy. kto? jeszcze chcia? po?o?y? ?ap? na tym cude?ku. tramer posiedzia? jeszcze chwil? w barze po czym skierowa? si? ponownie na komisariat. musia?

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Beasts of Barlow Road 7 (Rough Draft)

"i do still like him, but...i just hope he don't like me enough to gobble me up" she said before she spit up more cud. "darn it! when will i stop throwing up in my mouth" she asked.

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Hollow Eyes 2: Coming Home

"but with us, it'd be more less chewing gum and more chewing cud. which is just bleck!" she made a retching sound. "agreed." he nodded. "very bleck."

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