Invane: Bearcy Through
dizzy from their collusions as they leaned back and fell upon the forest grounds behind them.
Psycho Killer
(they all then gather their things and began to head to their next class; kari had to help erin again since she was dizzy still.)
Falling for a lioness 2 Revenge of the fallen part 20
Which it was making it unpleasant smell of ammonia making me fill dizzy and ill. " are you ok bro?." zira asked me ,from behind me. " year im ok ,the smell a bit off putting,and it making fill bit dizzy. " i replied, to my adopted sister.
Eevee's Journey: part 2
The small pokémon did as she was told, and laid back down, immediately feeling the result of her dizziness fading away.
Unstable Serenity - Chapter 4, Black Dawn
After a few more moments of serching through the scene, i felt dizzy and i my bleeding was only getting worse. there was nothing that i could do until my backup would arrive.
Derrick the Swallower of Worlds Ch. 5
Rather dizzy from the entire session, derrick simply shook his head and continued forward.
Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-one
Spinner and dizzy would just have to wait until tomorrow's dinner.
13th December
She felt dizzy the whole evening and even though she went to bed early again, it had been extremely hard for her to endure her heated body while eating dinner or playing with the other kids.
Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Eighteen
My head began to spin, and in my dizziness i almost fell face first in the snow. "oh no," i groaned. "not again." i knew i should stop and wait for the dizzy spell to pass, but i forced myself to keep going.
Episode 001: Comes the Thunder - part 3
Penny felt like punching him in the face, and bernie was just too dizzy to feel anything about the situation. speckman just looked at him, a bit suspicious, but penny quickly intermitted "bernie is just a bit... dizzy." "really? why?"
All tied up
As the giant began to walk, the movements were dizzying. each step sent you swinging backward before you crashed into the ground again.
The Stray Cat, Ch. 3
Exhilaration, excruciating pain, dizziness, fear, coldness. but for the first time in my life, i also felt pride in my heritage.