The Fox General: The Dye Has Been Cast

Laurent suddenly piped in, "beta gamma-" "in foxen, please," i waved my paw before cradling my head in it. "no alphate titles."

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Warm Sands 1 (eng. Ver.)

Far above his head, the god heka looked down on him in foxen shape. the two snakes which he usually held in his hands hung from his jaw, their scales shimmering as if they had been forged from green light itself.

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Snowbound: Fox

He struggled out in foxen. "yes!" alden pointed at the picture and then at the wolf himself. "wolf!" "wolf," raakk pointed at himself and then tapped alden on the chest.

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The Shadows Book One: The War for EarthEnd - Chapter Ten.

The foxen groaned, "to tell the truth liki, i don't want to go anywhere right now. i know it's a little selfish, and cammy..." liki instantly understood why pyrefox was hiding behind the door.

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Gentle Moons - 3

They soon reached a more open waiting area at the side of the cavern with numerous foxen cooling their shanks and chatting, but no sign of gannen. "where is he?"

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The Fox General: Rule by Decree

The chessboard had foxen armies representing the white pieces and alphate soldiers represent black. sophia was playing as the wolves and, to my surprise, was winning quite decisively against luce. "how's vito doing?"

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The Fox General: The Surrender of Pest

Having emir be forced to take part in an exclusively foxen ritual was no doubt fun as is, but it was what came next that was the real crowning joy. vulpa was so much more explicit and sensual about marriage than lupa.

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The Fox General: Buried Secrets

A few foxen solders were gazing at me, including vito himself,and i turned back with a confident smile before taking a long, smooth toke. whatever lapse in confidence i might have given off to the soldiers at the front soon faded as i coolly smoked.

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The Fox General: Lay Waste the Land

They were waiting for us and they were using defensive foxen tactics. and unlike normal uses of it, this was probably the smartest thing they could possibly do.

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Belial: Like Cats and Dogs

Watching the much larger nasha walk out onto the field, edanna saw that the wolf-girl and her foxen lover had fused, becoming a single twin headed canine humanoid.

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The Admirals Pets Ch 1

She giggled softly as she bounced a couple of times, and then looked up at her foxen owner. he smirked at his pet, and motioned to the coffee table, then turned to a chest. sarah shivered in anticipation, knowing what was to come next.

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Changing of the Holiday Guard

's just how we foxen are," i reassured hir. then giggled as i realized that, just like before, here i was getting pregnant on solstice eve. though this time i was prepared and looking forward to it.

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