Good Dog

He was sucking the dick of the big bull in the business suit. he was flexing on stage in his thong for the men in the shadows. he was bent over with that bear fucking him from behind. his head had more movement now, but he didn't notice.

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Civil Engineering

There were more animals on the sidewalks here; some in business suits grabbing a quick bite before ducking back into air-conditioned complexes, some pushing strollers as they ran errands or window-shopped.

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Here Be Monsters

Snake charmer, a cobra in a non-descript business suit comes from out of nowhere behind bible thumper and effectively racks him.

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The Last Dragons, The task

He was dressed in a business suit and he didn't seem out of place in the government research site. but he was unique. he held a secret hidden from the world. at the end of the hall, the man stepped into an elevator alone and pulled back his sleeve.

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An investor’s tour

Two lions, slightly smaller then the other with light brown manes, dressed in snappy business suits that gave them an air of authority despite their apparent youth.

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The doc helped dress her in a business suit that was tailor made for her hyper-sexual body, including her new dick, which came to a rest at a foot in length, the balls so big that they obscured her vagina from view. the suit barely fit.

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Die by the Sword (Mild Version)

The business suit he was wearing was scuffed and torn, and his head throbbed as if he had been hit at the back of his skull. decro groaned as he unsteadily got to his feet.

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Death's Blood Ch. Eight: The Burdens We Carry

All these inhabitants are dressed fairly, and here i am in a business suit, unlike all the other females wearing dresses.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 9

Egad wore his business suit, along with a tan-colored trench coat and a fedora. rain poured down from overhead, wetting the streets. egad's latest business meeting for one of his new merchant companies had went well.

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ToLaD: Chapter 18: Reassurance, Discovery, and Another Thing

Both were near mirror images of the other, except the unfamiliar wolf had a blue bang over one eye and in a casual looking business suit, while his father was in regular clothing. "dad, you wanted me to come here?" hanz?

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From The Local Office

The rotund breasts of a female fox in a business suit came back into his field of vision. "gerald richards." he replied and did not shake her outstretched paw. "yes, well... please step into my office, gerald. i'm mrs. holland."

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Burdens - Chapter 114: Seeking Help

The black cat was wearing a formal business suit, very sleek and dark to match his fur. his eyes were a vibrant purple, and they looked exceedingly bored with the situation. he looked at the fox and wolf, then at the lion. "this is them?" greg nodded.

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