Chapter One: Banished

**This is my version of "The Phantom of the Opera" I would recommend you read the book, or watch the one with Gerald Butler (The Phantom) I liked it. There's a lot of singing in the movie so giving you a heads up.** * * * ** ** It was dark stormy...

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Into the Darkness: Chapter One

"Sergeant, we need to get them out of here. I've got a bad feeling about here." I said, looking around the dark sky. "You and your hunches. The bus's tire is almost fixed, and the driver said he will get us back on the road. Trust me, I want out of...

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Decades - Chapter One

This is the story of two furs as they go through their lives together, a decade at a time. It's a project I wrote a while back, and I can't think of a better story with which to re-launch my presence on SF. I can't remember the last time I ever...

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No More (Chapter One)

**no more (chapter one) lifeless.** i lived in a huge mansion at the time of this story, the most luxurious there was.

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Afterlife, Chapter One

chapter one the next thing i knew, i was waking up to a sharp poking in my side. i may have been a little disoriented...

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Sauran Chapter one

chapter one of the sauran story the warm summer air flows across the lands as the full moons lights up the landscape. the cools night air slowly chase away the heat of the days as it blankets the land it to cooling embrace.

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Chapter One: Quickening

Warm sea air flowed with the wind, catching blades of grass in the medows below and fluttering them like feathers. The rolling hills were covered, like mats of green placed upon the landscape by the gods themselves, stopped only by the sands of the...

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The Golddroid (chapter one)

_So, today is the day!_ Lurdanjo thought to himself. If he had known even for a split second just what would happen, he would have reacted a bit stronger than simply sitting in his living room chair reading the newspaper and just barely giving a glance...

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"unnamed" - Chapter One.

chapter one will remain only slightly unchanged. in other words, re-reading it won't be needed.

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The Memory - Chapter One

The memory chapter one darkness, that's all that surrounded the entire area. he looked up from the old palette on the floor -- he was startled to see someone standing there.


Chapter One: Preparations

So, this is the first chapter of a small story I'm going to be writing, for.... who knows how long. This is the ONLY CHAPTER that will have Straight Sex in it. So, don't worry. PLEASE leave feedback, and comments, stuff like...

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