Black Silence 1

Cole only slightly comprehended, maybe she had some kind of medical condition?

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Weasel Run

It's kind of a medical condition. it makes me severely anemic over time and won't stop." he considered. "i'm no doctor, but if there's anything i can do to help, i will." she shook her head.

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Nobody's Fault

"i could check whether we have a patient of that name, but unless he has personally signed an agreement to give out information about his medical condition, i cannot give you any information." it's not like i was expecting any.

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Revelations - Chapter 8: Sharing Secrets

However, if you're gone for a while is there anything that we need to know regarding her medical condition?" terrence blinked. "what medical-" "her hormone problems." "...umm...shit..." his heart started racing. she knew.

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This wasn't some rare and strange medical condition, of course not, it was a magical disease! when mom got home later that night, i asked if she had time the next day to drive me into town.


California Otters - On set with Trick and Dolphin (Part 4)

'don't let one naked otter with an odd medical condition put you off. we haven't had our coffee yet. i'll go make a fresh pot and make enough for sandy too.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 147-148

I was unsure of their medical condition. however your services may be needed to treat those people after initial diagnosis at the hospital." nodrog said. "why the fire alarm?" marko asked. "that was not my doing.

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My Mom is Dating a Werewolf 7

Kate pulled out her phone and shined the light on the tag revealing the bully's medical condition. "hemophilia? what the fuck is that!?" david shouted. "it means this kid is going to bleed to death!" randall shouted.

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Primal Desires chapter 3

But i've been dealing with too many distractions, including my medical condition. i actually would've been done with this a month ago, but the device i keep my drafts and stuff on went kaput, and i failed to back it up, so i had to start from scratch.

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The first section of it listed medical conditions with checkboxes next to them, all recognizable to him as things that could get in the way of some forms of play. he shrugged. his master was extremely organized. he can live with that.

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Pale Reflection

The small room was adored with soft colors, still life art, and a few wooden tables that were filled with pamphlets on varying medical conditions that were serious enough to require a visit to a counselor.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 74-75

"no, because you listed hormone imbalance under medical conditions. i do read every page. actually if you had not been sent to your aunt's, i was going to take you in." mr. october said. "why would you do that?" jenny asked.

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