Keema's Adventure: Cidhna Mine

Here, old gods keep you" duach said as he gave her a bottle of it. keema went over to grisvar, who excitedly took it from her. "there, i already have it, now keep your end of the bargain" keema said as she put her hands on her hips.

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Light Bane: Chapter 36

Everyone became very awe-struck by the presence of an azure dragon that showcased the primal magic of the old gods. even the king was in awe by the nature of her magic. it was clear that the dragon was something very special.

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Emancipation: Awakening

They recalled the old gods, the old spirits that had thirsted for revenge and destruction. she was a spirit born of woman's outrage.

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Book of Changes Part 3

For the better part of three decades since the so-called pagan revolution against islamic autonomy in the mid east, the various resurgent cults of the old gods played one another off of the middle, each trying to seize ever more power in the teetering court

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Jewel of Eden - Pt. 1 - Not a Happy Picture

She was learned in herb lore, cooking, hunting, foraging, and the old gods. she was ready to strike out on her own when her poor mother fell ill. mother bertram, she had called her, lay upon her deathbed.

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Tis the season to fuck cousins

By the old gods, he was cute, and once he knew he would be rewarded, he knew how to behave... she didn't regret this at all. "mm, thalia... i want to do this all morning..." he groans, mouth still sticky.

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DSOTM: The Old Ways

He would resurrect the old gods like him and they would show the mortals what true power meant.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 4 - "Manifest Destiny"

They are old gods and new gods, sons and daughters of the mighty. you stand among them. do not fear. i am your guide."_ rhy could still only see white. he wished to say something, but he wasn't sure if that was possible.

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Athalus and the God of domination

The old gods were all more powerful than their descendants, that was a fact, the only reason most of them disappear was to give birth to more gods, one old god could create up to three less powerful gods.

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH4)

Remember to respect the old gods and what they represent but do not follow with blind faith. always keep your friends close but do not be afraid to take the leap to make new ones."

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Demonic Fusion Ha

old gods are never forgotten, they merely fade into the shadows. they still exist, and are more than willing to help anyone that worships them properly. ...of course not all gods are good, either. this story was available early on my patreon.

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