The Best Halloween Costume (1/2)
A costume.
Death's Blood Ch. Nine: Costumes
Nine: costumes (school had been getting no better now that gaston was out of my life.
A Sweet Couple
That was how a pair of 18 year olds got stuck on the wealthiest, most hateful side of town, in halloween costumes, much to late to do anything except trick or treat.
Wolf Spider by Vallhund
God i love this costume.
ARSENAL ch 1 pt 1
The heads up display was something that was pretty generic but really added to her costume. she was going for the cyber assassin, and most of her weapons were themed around this while sticking to the traditional arsenal.
Predators' farm
And this was especially true when this was a clothing trip and he had to try on new outfit after new outfit over and over again.
Filling the Role - Part 1
Part one of a little halloween story of a rabbit and his fox getting ready for a costume party. but, given benjamin's costume, he has a lot of prepping to do. fortunately his boyfriend is there to help! "c'mon, let's see how it looks!"
Changing at the Last Minute
So he and his buddies hopped in his car and began to search for some costumes, any costumes if they weren't sold out. "damn it, that's the third store that had shit for costumes."
Becoming a Pet Dog (Furry Version)
It's a feline body, more than half into a canine animal costume. his unconscious head is visible, as well as his nearest side and shoulder but the arm is already inside a tight costumed sleeve, even worse than your own.
How to Become a Centaur
As a patron of our website, you have been selected to try our newest costume alternative." thomas stopped reading, realizing he had tried a few hms costumes in the past... and then he'd seen something similar to this costume on their website.
Stud-Sitting Part 9
Zander giggled as he looked at Kipcha as she laid on his front porch, belly down, with an ice pack above her tail. "It's Karma; you know that...
Trick or Treat
Okay, we've fit checked you, and there's your costume. get dressed up, princess." he unlocked the various cuffs, and helped her into the freshly delivered costume.