Bread & Games
With this vast wealth, this city reached the highest echelons of power, where their power rippled across oceans brought monarchs to their knees, soared through the skies and made presidents bow. it was a master of masters and dispenser of pleasures.
Revolt of 64
**The Revolt of 64 (EN)** The Nobles are dancing on the table - Jumping in and out of the action - While the Clergy laughs Beneath their long-range sighs, And the Third-Estate Is trampled underfoot. The King in his castle, Though relieved and...
The Amorus adventures of Tantala the Succubi part 1
Extremely experienced field operative rumored to have attempted (whether she succeeded or not she's not telling) to seduce almost every serving pope, us president (oddly enough not including clinton, she was busy elsewhere at the time), and every reigning monarch
The Breaking Party
The court and the prisoners turned, looking at two warriors that were pointed out by the monarch.
Evokation / Book I: The Fool / Part 8
Another reason i hate this place... the monarchs have really worked to keep it as their own."
Of Animals and Nature
Two monarchs in one room, fighting for the truth. each explained they didn't have the missing person, but almost to no avail. but then the next day the two people were found together stuck in a cave, by the beach. they had fallen in a fissure.
GoD-Ep22-Darkness Civil war-
The king of nightmares is known to be a ruthless monarch, and what happened in the throne room of his castle is that demetrius the one who leads the team had a conflict with the king and with a small struggle they got kicked out.
Lori Pathen 5 - Side Effects
The monarch looked curious, this could be good or bad adonu reflected. "that would be most excellent your majesty. i look forward to discussing everything with you and answering any questions or concerns you may have."
Enochian: Book 3, Chapter 11
The stallion looked back and forth for support, and other monarchs and generals mumbled their assent and nodded, looking nervously at the drakkaren.
Changing Times: A Vampire's Tale
But what this war did do the most, was bring us to the attention of the local monarch. a little quick thinking and a few mind tricks had the monarch agreeing with us, and leaving our town, and us alone with the signing of a single treaty.
Tales of Yore: In the Service of the King
Like their ruling monarchs, stilghar t'kenn had gone to great lengths to treat the people of the kingdom, from the noble houses to the lowest scullion, with the respect he believed due all good, thinking beings.
A Kingly Conquest
Leor leaned against the table, his chin against his palms as he examined his fellow monarch.