The Nagai and Nureta Of Pokémon Dynasties chronicles - Book 1
#1 of the nagai and nureta of pokémon dynasties chronicles - book series author: a mouse edited by: a mouse (phase 3 editing) book 1 (book 1 of the nagai and nureta of pokémon dynasties chronicles.
Tales of Valora - Book 1, Chapter 1: The Wager
#1 of tales of valora - book 1 the first in a (potential) series of short stories, focusing on the denizens of the city of valora. _this is the first of what is hopefully a series of short stories, ranging from many different angles of perspective.
Luncheons & Dragons - Book 1 - Chapter 4 (SSBBW)
_A slender mage controls such force._ _His magic flows; his skill excels!_ _Another mage outweighs a horse._ _She wins the crowd with stunning spells._ The village of Zauberei laid to the south, as it does today. But, in those days, it was...
Snowlit Dawn - Through the Starry Abyss (Book 1)
This is the final edit of book 1 or snowlit dawn, hope everyone enjoys - there have been a few changes, mostly grammatical in nature but also some for clarity and consistency.
Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Twelfth of Revival
I wake up screaming, my own screams joining the chorus of the other eleven victims. My head feels like it's been punctured which only fuels my howling. The only thing that silences the wailing damned is the need to breathe. My lungs eventually give out...
Indomitable Book 1: Warm Welcome-Seventh of Revival
As I lay on the chilled indifferent ground sensation comes home to my forsaken body, although I wish it had stayed away. My bones moan along with the fire of my muscle fibers. It all feels so wrong. I emit a groan as I force my eyelids open. All I see...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 4
4. The groan and crack of timber jolted me out of the hammock with an indignant thump to the wood cargo decking. A loose keg of water rumbled and crashed into me before I could stand slamming me up against the moaning hull of the galleon. I could...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 3
3. I'd returned to the waiting pilgrims. They'd taken their fill of mead, juices, meats, cheese and fruit. My armor was packed neatly in the remaining satchel, and each of the ladies wore simple cotton robes of blue and the children had cotton...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 2
2. I scrambled nimbly back from a few stubborn bushes clinging to treasured dirt within the cliff walls. The city gates of Port Tabitha lay ahead a good two hundred feet, open to all and with no surprise, manned by a pair of crusaders. I made my...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 1
1. I could never tell what was colder during my roguish descent along the cliffs of the Madesto Gulf; the ragged wind or my kindling exile from a life I once knew. Gleeful spring winds wrapped me in a blanket of thawing winters breath letting me...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 5
5. The rough rocking lullaby of the cart had come to a sudden stop. The Dehsii males reappeared around the cart and studied me then they all looked to Rohtheer. He yip sang in howls and barks inciting a smooth flow of many hands lifting my body up...
Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 6
6. Howling storms dressed my nightmares with sweat inducing fear. Dark water surged around me with a giants tug and by its own volition regurgitated me among the rocks of the Madesto Coast. Cold, dark eyes stared at me from three bodies draped on...