Polar Opposite
Jack is, as he would say, "just a polar bear with ice cream to share." when he sees sammy the kinkajou being bullied by mark the tiger, the ice cream vendor decides to flip the script on the two theater employees.
Summer in Spoonerville, part 1
From down the street he could hear the distinct sound of the ice cream truck approaching. "ice cream truck, ice cream truck, do you think mom will give us money to buy some ice cream." pistol said excitingly.
Life of a Little Killer : Chapter 3
Bringing him into the living room i made him sit on the couch as i went into the kitchen to get out my bucket of ice cream. my ice cream bucket is well... is just a metal bucket with a lid and have ice cream inside with a spoon.
Josh and Sarah (1)
In response, he takes his bowl of ice cream he didn't touch and replaces the empty bowl in my hands with his full bowl. i look up at him. "but you said-" "i said you should eat your ice cream.
Cold, Sweet Relief
Cocking a brow and yanking the ice cream right out of his paw, she took only the briefest moment to lick just one of his fingertips.
Keston and his reprieve part 9 THE END
You've messed yourself and you want ice-cream?!"
A tiger's family
Nice ice cream!"
Legend High-Prologue Part One
._ _too bad euphoria can kill people...and ice cream vendor a little ways away from them jingled a chime, catching the boy's attention._ _"look mom, look! we can get ice cream there!"_ _"calm down little man. we'll get there."
Castaways - Chapter 4
His eyes widen as he sees the shopkeeper handing an ice cream cone over to a small otter girl. "ice cream!" nick almost yells out as his ears perk up and he jumps up and down a little. jason chuckles. "you want some?"
A Big Scoop
I slid onto a chair next to victor who was already sitting down with a bowl and looking eager for the ice cream.
Chapter Ten
"let's get ice cream after this!" he decided, bouncing slightly in his seat, wagging his tail rapidly. "do you like ice cream, bel?" bel smiled. "i love it." another point for kyle.
Preview - Coming Out to a Werewolf
Then i got out the ice cream scoop and vanilla bean ice cream i'd picked up at a fantastic local place. the moment the microwave beeped, i pulled the brownies out and put a nice, round scoop of ice cream on top of each one.