Carnal Combat

Losers surrender to the others' house as servants until the end of this year's carnal combat. do you accept or do you cower?"

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The Hidden Ones: Part 2

Only two more chapters to go until the ending, and the rebirth of a new saga that takes after this series. there will be death, hate, and a final battle in one of the characters mind and spirit. the end is coming, but a rebirth is near..


Neko Hoshi 9 days left

Cross seeing you killed people once again their is only one way for you to pass and that is not kill a single a person until the end of the year.

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Nectar of the Gods

Her greed was unsurpassed, and she would stuff life into her oozing cunt until the end of time. soft glorps and gloops echoed up from those implausible depths, and sara began to contemplate dragging another god into her slimy cleft.

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Old Dan's Game...

Between the thighs of a young handsome goat who was helping out, but that would have to wait until the end of harvest... fin

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The Lucky Ones Left - Chapter 6

I understand our current agreement doesn't allow for rent to be raised until the end of the year, so if you could kindly sign these, i'd really, really appreciate it. again, i'm terribly sorry."

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-Inteli-Pet Corporation - Made To Order - Chapter One

Angelica bit her lower lip, as her ears swished backwards and she paced for a few moments, the thoroughbred remaining statue-like as he waited - he was prepared to wait until the end of time itself, if it pleased his owner.

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Insistence and Assistance (vore story)

"mind the shoulders again, it gets easier once they are in your throat, but you'll still need to focus until the end." he brought his face close to one of kevin's big round ears, and whispered into it. "go easy on him, okay?

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Bullets, Bodies, and Bottles

Brothers... until the end. he's back there again... screaming at the top of his lungs. no words, just pure... agonizing hatred for the figures before him. to him they're not people.

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Baby Wanna Bottle

the end of time we'll be together, and you can be sure that forever and a day that's how long we'll stay together and forever more always gone that extra mile depended on you all the while even in the good and bad times you will

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The Journey to Acceptance Pt. 1 Reworked

It wasn't until the end of the tenth year that people started to show suspicion of my well being. who wouldn't be suspicious of someone you've known their whole life when you came to the conclusion that they haven't aged a day for the longest time.


CYOA Charlie Goat regrets everything Chapter 2

And i'll even say we can leave it until the end of the day so you don't have to tolerate any short term ache getting in the way of you working." "half an hour of that?" charlie said, his eyes widening before he let out a soft whine of protest.

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