The hack: Chapter 12 (Aron)
She shouted as she hit enter to run the code, but nothing happened. "what?" she said as she checked the code again, leaving me with enough time to finish the code on my side and complete the challenge.
Finding a New Self, Chapter 12: A Cryptic Morning
Several sentences of gibberish were written on it, and it was addressed to renna and me (not in code). i picked it up, and found under it the code table night had found. it was probably from her.
Night and Day Part 1
They had plenty to eat as it is, and that meant there was no need to kill anything, warrior code or no. thinking of the code again, his father said a lot things about the code; but as nightpelt thought about it, he didn't seem to follow it very strictly.
The hack: Chapter 10 (Kit)
"sigh, screw it, i'm just going to use an online template" i said and looked online to get a template for coding malware and started to code the malware following a template on a website.
Toni's Diary Entry #5 - The Case of the Missing Church Pants
In the summer of 2010, the ohio board of education passed a new rule that all middle schools and high schools would have to follow: that every student and faculty member was to be in a fitted dress code. now, this code was super strict.
The Institute: Collaboration
I gave no part of my code to him because he had it all already, and he still crashed despite both of us having the same programming the same code that allowed me to pass turing, and he did not.
TMC-01 The Mighty Courageans
code h girl said, "we better go over and make sure the boys build the headquarters the right way, nora." girl intor smiled and headed over with code h girl to the building site.
Bury the Dead Chapter Six
Her eyes scanned the code as her mind worked trying to find out what it all meant. "that line of code shouldn't work at all. everything is contradicted on all the other lines of code and even gives the user a way inside. how did you find this?"
Tales From The Orion: Part 2
"chief engineer jem here," i pleaded, "i'm in need of assistance, code 44." the cheetah flicked the intercom off. "what's code 44?" "a distress code, you said act like i need help, _i'm acting_." the door panel buzzed indicating it was unlocked.
Bladed AI Lover Pt.2
I open the files from the hard drive given to me by greyh, and it quickly becomes apparent to me this is beta software code. that is, i am finding my own comments still within the code. "odd. is this the newest version?" i ask.
Movie Marathon [Piss Fic]
The castle was never a castle in the first place, nor were the codes some ancient language. they were key-codes, running on a biological programming -- "of course...!" oh, the forums were going to love this.
Hypno Weekend I
"some of the code? none of my code is here! what did you do?" the voice laughed, higher pitched and warmer as if the speaker had leaned forward into the microphone. "you were after my code sugar. so, i shared it with you. don't worry.