Interval I: The Deal
Disclaimers: This story contains archaic references and a general image that implies the existence of Hell. The Hell in this series is highly modeled from Dante's Classic: The Divine Comedy. Specifically, The Inferno, with a small touch taken from...
A Dark-Side Deal
She didn't take the deal, but neither did she decline. the two lizards huffed and growled, glancing at each other as the dragon waited.
Free Meal Deal
"Ya here for dinner or ya just gonna stand there and block the sun?" Spiritusk looked towards Kerik tiredly. The red hawk brushed his hand against his arm while looking toward the gray elephant. Finally the bird's gray beak tip opened to speak. ...
Beneficial Infernal Deals
The deal that he'd made, the promise that he'd given, meant that he had all the power that he'd ever need.
Never Deal With A Dragon
I think it's a bit less of a 'i've got an offer you can't refuse', and more of a 'some guy he can't refuse' deal here guys.
Don't Deal With the Devil
"And how about 'A Guide to Mystical Drafts and Potions?' I'm sure it's not part of your expertise, my prince, but I think you may find it of interest nonetheless..." I yawn exasperatedly on the bed, lying there lazily while my legs dangle off the...
A Deal for Her People
Her white loincloth and the white wrap around her chest hid the curves that had claimed many warriors over the years, her beauty drawing them to the oasis to make deal after deal, bargain after bargain.
Goure: Dealing with the past
Eventually in my drive for knowledge i came across works dealing with the summoning of minor spirits for menial tasks. it sounded pretty cool so i tried my hand at it. and it worked. oh i was cautious.
A Deal Between Foxes
I have done a great deal for you, you should be grateful! now apologize!" i closed my muzzle and looked up at him. "no." mr. peregrine clenched his fists and lowered his head. "delwyn!!!"
Let's Make a Deal
Cow giggles, mooing, "you have a deal, mister sans-pants!" "perfect! _thanks!"_ he says, a bit slyly, in a singsong voice as he grins, picking up the stack with ease, opening the back door of his car, and tossing them inside, almost carelessly.
Teaser - Bad Deal
Every morning, I had a little bit of time before classes started. It had been another week, but Dad was still dropping us off right before school and picking us up right after. How long before he actually trusted us again? I was grateful that the...
Flora: A Raw Deal
Selling magical junk in dewclaw can be tough but there is one place neon can rely on to give her a deal every single long as she can deal with the idiot behind the counter. anything could be bought or sold in dewclaw.