
"someone help me find his key!" jackie squealed into the communicator and all other searches were left to help find osirus's missing key.

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Swim Team

I gulped and went over to the bench and falling to my knees grabbed the cup and felt around for the key. it wasn't there. denson now wrapped in his white towel smirking at me. "where's the key! give me the key!" i said upset. "i hid it." he said.

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DOPE HORSE Part Two: Get a gun

Pulls out a set of keys and dangles em in front of me. "here! it´s the keyes to your car! it´s parked outside a garage behind "minco´s juicebar". your stuff is inside the garage. one of the keys will open it." i stare at the keys for a moment.

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the otter depths part 1

I pick up my keys and see the right key, the one for my apartment door it is a old silver-ish key and is bend and cracked, from all of the water it slips out of my paw that drop being enough to break the key, i just look at it like why the hell do you hurt

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Anonymous Master

Before he get to the bathroom though he tried to pull out the key from his pocket, only he couldn't feel the key at all. he dived into all his pockets and didn't feel the key anywhere!

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Chapter Eighteen (Angie)

So the "pillows" and "keys" were literal. i grab my phone and text tom about the key. he then calls me and i answer. "you found a key?" tom asks. "yes." i say.

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A Most Dangerous Game (10/10)

"the second that half of the key connects with the game world i bet it's going to automatically insert the key we need to open this lock, and when that happens we can swim in and copy the other half. do you think that could work?"

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Black and White – Chapter 4: Fair game.

key summoned me. i followed suit. inside was a coffer. like pandora's box, except it looked pretty.

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Breaking the Da Vinci Code

It looks like it was removed, the box locked and the key hidden away.' billy picked it up. "can you close it without the key being in it, like a normal lock?" "no. the key has to be in the lock." "smart.

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