The Raging Hounds VIII: Unveiled Warrior

In the near total darkness of his chamber -a fairly small private room far away from the rest of the denizens of the ship- ghost was kneeling in front of a small shrine dedicated to the patron deity of war and combat; auron.

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The Alpha Project Chapter One: Welcome to Delta Four ( Revised)

My mother was a goddess of war and my father was a soldier demon. it's a very long story." "i got all day." haley replied with a smile as she leaned against the table with her arms crossed upon the top.

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Ripples From My Mane Chapter 4

That frustration had led him to becoming a god of war, and now that same frustration was causing another rift between his people, a rift he did not wish to become another civil war. so, urion nodded. "i swear it.

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The voyage chapter 5

"the greek god of war, fitting name for this fighter." naomi nodded gesturing the human to follow her. "i prefer dragons, but you males can use the term ares.

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Aaru - Chapter 20 (Ru'sta)

Even shasmar couldn't object if the deity of war declared it. she would undoubtedly be upset, but she would not argue it. it would certainly make things easier for me if she took the decision out of my paws. "then make up your mind!" she barked.

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Aaru - Chapter 17 (The Final Fight)

Champion of the deity of war, her strongest champion. a warrior who had fought against demons during the great demon wars millennia ago, a warrior with immeasurable battle experience.

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The Last Voyage of Thor's Hammer

"erika, broadcast "mars, god of war, from the planet's suite on all nak channels, and for us, mozart's piano sonata in c." "with pleasure admiral." she replied.

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The True Taste of War

The goddess of war. so many lives snuffed out like it was absolutely nothing. she had been so lazy about it too. slow and careless. as though her judgment was so unavoidable there was no need to rush.

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Responsibility Part III - Interwoven

The bear looked like a goliath god of war, caked in blood and grime and rage as he ripped the mace head and sword from the rat and weasel's bodies. no sooner had the fox and skunk noticed him than he was upon them, weapons a blur of violent motion.

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Halloween Story: War

You know, the god of war? i'm sure you must have heard of him." i chuckled. "i have. and, um, what makes you think you're a makhai?" he replied smoothly, "oh, i don't think i am, rebecca. i know i am." "uh huh.

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The Dark Forest

He closed his eyes and mouthed a prayer to the god of war requesting that varin would be ready and the imperials weak hearted.

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We Don't Just Fade Away

You wouldn't even think that the washed up ancient egyptian god of war lived here. wep's easy chair was pressed up into its usual corner of the room.

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