Sebastian was enjoying torturing the donkey, as he wiggled and manipulated the end of the plug that he had, whilst the majority filled the donkey's bowels.
Farmer's Boy
The donkey seemed to shiver, and he heard a sharp intake of air, but he did remain still as told.
Predator becomes prey -Dingo vs Donkey and Rabbit
Looking confused for a moment, the barman simply smiled and nodded down to the other end of the bar where a plain looking donkey sat. colin raised his glass in thanks, to which the donkey smiled and made his way over.
Beasts of Burden (Chapter 3)
Closing his eyes he felt them too grow into the large brown orbs of a donkey. andre was braying loudly now as he rocked back and fourth on william's ass, now a complete donkey.
Haida's Poolside Redemption
The two went right back to making out, just as haida's cock throbbed intensely inside of the moaning donkey.
Tina's Big Mess
Coarse donkey hairs were quick to sprout in these new areas. spreading from further up to where bulky musculature fitting for a donkey jack was also getting a coating.
A Surprise Snack
She gripped the donkey's log firmly, pressing one end to her pussy lips before pushing down, carefully filling the inside of her snatch with thick donkey shit.
Let's Get Donked! 2
The donkey asked. sam could hear the sound of lips smacking again, along with a brief snort before the donkey got up and turned for face him. this donkey was a little strange compared to the large and beefy looking jacks that he had seen before.
Making an Ass 3
Xaie was once more a donkey, but no longer a donkey boy. he was quite the studly donkey man. as if sensing their completion, the milking machine hummed to a stop and let go, flopping to the ground.
Hitting The Showers
It'd stink of horny donkey for days, or weeks, and nothing was going to wash that away.
Tori & Jake: Working Stiff
The donkey had nothing to worry about as her eyes locked onto his large erection and she licked her snout.
Perks of the position part 2
#24 of a shameful secret winston the stag has a little talk with mick the donkey...