Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-three
#23 of filling the void yet another thrilling chapter of filling the void, a collaborative work between myself and victus lupus. special thanks go out to thegoldenunicorn for attempting to make us appear not to be mouth-breathing gits.
Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-One
#21 of filling the void yet another thrilling chapter of filling the void, a collaborative work between myself and victus lupus. special thanks go out to thegoldenunicorn for helping us appear not to be mouth-breathing gits.
QCP: NS-04 Filling in For Krypto
Most were willing to fill in any role just so they could appear on tv.
Flash Pulp #17 Condom Filling
He spent a lot of time drinking up it's rich flavour, letting his precum fill his mouth then swallowing down the cream afterward.
A odd sandwich filling (hard vore)
Of relief only to have the canines jaw rush down once again quickly and roughly shearing off your leg again causing you to scream and squirm, a huge pressure covering you totally as everything seems to go into slow motion loud cracking's and hellish pair filling
A fun filled day with a surprise visitor
I just want to fill you to the brim with my love!" he would fill me up with something, alright. question is- "you wanna cop a feel, big boy?" he purrs sexily. "what?!" i cough out, nervous.
Filling the Void - Chapter Twenty-Two
#22 of filling the void yet another thrilling chapter of filling the void, a collaborative work between myself and victus lupus. special thanks go out to thegoldenunicorn for helping us appear not to be mouth-breathing gits.
The Rift 3: Filling the Void by AnonEmis
Without warning, han grabbed jack's head and forced him down in a savage kiss, his breath filled jack's maw as they both moaned into each other's mouths.
Dogs of War - Tear-Filled Mask
"the gorgon's tears is not like a sword, a sword kills discriminately according to the will of its wielder, the gorgon's tears kill _everything_, if it is unleashed then innocent blood will be on your hands, enough to fill a lake." said plentis, gravely.
A Full-Filling Adventure: Part 1
Now, it became far clearer what the bull had meant by a larger filling. but the otter as in pure bliss, unaware of the approaching filling he was to receive.
Filling My Brother Ch. 5
#5 of filling my brother the boys are left to deal with the aftermath of discovering cody is pregnant. filling my brother chapter 5 by wafflesquadron "dude i fucked up, i fucked up so bad!"
TBT#3 (Fanged Filled Fun)
It was warm sunny day at the local dog park where Shaggy usually take Scooby for a walk. It was mostly a grass clearing with patches of woods and bushes surrounding it. Pathways that branch out with benches parallel to them were plenty here. Many dog...