A Fish out of Water - Chapter 1
Were it not for the serenity with which nathan outlined the hopelessness of my situation, i seriously would've thought he was joking.
With tears my sorrow hits me as cold dart my mourn sprouts my inner fears my light has changed to darkness my warm has decreased to cold my strength has diminished to weakness my youth has aged into crippled old my loneliness crumbles my trust my hopelessness
Chapter 10: Celestia's Gift
"this is hopeless," blueblood said sadly as he shoved the book away. slipstream, who until now had been reading quietly at the other end of the table, looked up from his novel.
When You Find Out Too Late
The two of them began to weep in hopeless silence as time dragged on.
Realms of Valeron - Chapter 9
"this is hopeless! hopeless!" the buffalo started to sob. "we're just a bunch of hopeless, crazed losers!!" a quest, uncertain silence descended upon the hall, interrupted only by the buffalo's defeated sobbing. roka looked back and forth.
MACHINE {Diapers}
Remus dare not press against the padding again, he already feared being hopeless to escape the diapers and did not want to risk being hopeless to get himself off. his legs had also managed to uncontrollably spread apart a little.
The Gryphon's Meal
It was hopeless, his mind was paralyzed by the horrific fact, burning and eroding his will to fight or resist.
Why should we worry
Puro 956 message for non mtown folks ya know there is times of hopelessness where all you can do is write, and hope it inspires a revolution.
One of my poems
Basking in the dead radiance of the moon dead in the eyes reflected a ghostly sheen and pressure on soul burden of guilt and what is sort of guilt could not understand only it was that i am not like all and shall paws away from the past towards the deaf hopeless
Weren't good enough but whatever happens happens that's life things happen whether good or bad joyous or sad the memories will stay and we shall live on helpless a constant haunt and bliss hopeless
In Thought
hopeless and lost, not much can break this bad habit i have developed. i suffer and in time i give up. nothing exists that will break it unless a miracle is bestowed upon me.
Blue eyes blazed with determination she wasn't going down without a fight even if it was a hopeless one.