Girls' Night Out: A Nicobay Tribute
Girl's night out a nicobay tribute written by sigmaweapon --1-- a circle of light, surrounded by shadow, marked a clearing in a great deciduous forest.
Never Forgotten {Memorial Day Tribute}
I wanted to write a tribute to those who have fought for my freedom to post this for you all to read freely, remember those who pay the ultimate price. remember those who go through hell and back as well.
Comanche, A Loving Tribute to an Old Warhorse
Comanche a loving tribute to an old warhorse by william w. kelso the old horse was so tired and sick, but he was comfortable enough as his human friends had always taken good care of him. he had never wanted for anything.
Day in the Life: Zheil- Basil's Tribute
Zheil the wolf had just finished her latest work when she heard the knock at the door, it had been a new customer who had come in person to deliver the details of his demands. She'd never met the rabbit king known as Basil in person before. Standing in...
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 21)
They need a tribute who will go willingly to their death, so they cannot know that they are going to die.
Heralds of War Prologue
#2 of fantasy the first of what i hope will be an exciting read for all of you and worthy tribute to my fur family. those fools, those fat, ungrateful fools.
Desecrated by Desertion
Yet here they sat, as if they'd resigned themselves to their fate, their caste, to treat their very lives as penance for the crime of being unfortunate enough to give tribute to the king.
Strange Times, Preface-History(edited)
As long as they paid a moderate tribute to him, he would let them live in peace of sorts.
Make Me Like An Irishman
#1 of poetry a tribute to the irish and a prayer to god. lord, make me like the irishmen, let my reasons here be told: passion to the irishman be worth more than a pot of gold.
Broken Legacy: Index
(tribute to a dead comrade.) a'den-rage su'cuy gar-hello jetti-jedi gett'se-courage, nerve shebs-backside, rear
The Foolish Toads
"and tribute fair, just what you can afford." "hazzah!" cried out the toad with limbs raised high. "it shall be done before the night shall fall!" the crafty avians sent them a stork. who then proceeded to consume them all.
Submission of a Plainsman: Ch. 7
All things considered, it was an uneventful evening of tributes.