Where You Going To Run Too Now - Chapter Two - FINALE
"mother, weren't there like twenty million living on vega three - " sean began, his ears flattening against his neck.
Seekers: Chapter Eleven: Small Revelations
Closest city: new vega. time: 09:50am. year: 2180, march 9th. i woke up to the feeling of the cradle, rocking from left to right slowly. from what i had experienced for my short time aboard the ship, it had never rocked before.
New Life in New Vegas AU #1 - Rick the Titan
This is an alternate universe version of my story that is not official canon with the main plot of new life in new vegas.
Across the way
It had been 4 years since she had moved to las vegas from her small hometown and her second show had just gone dark for good.
Joker to the Thief
vegas is the glittering asshole of the country. you coulda had a _bite_ of that big apple!" sid sighed. "it ain't that different, jackie. but at least vegas gives you a reach-around every now and then. new york...new york just _took.
A Good Gamble
It was a cool place, but for a young buck on a budget vegas was... a little much.
"Crowing" Closeup (Part 1/2)
We drive this out of cali, we go to vegas." "vegas?" joe threw a hand in the air with incredulity. "that's assuming we don't get killed by every roamer from here to there!" "urban legend, never gonna happen." ed said.
Lore: Vulpeculan Principalities
Beta vulpeculae was located in a dust belt around vega and it was prone to getting hit with debris and asteroids; a series of perimeter defenses around the planet would help ensure disaster would be averted in the future.
A Very Furry Future
And you wear a 'my bff's a fag' shirt into vegas."
Scholastic Chaos (Gerard Prince rewrite, Eps 2)
Lupa-vega's afternoon was spent at the nearby montrocol mall, the mecca shopping center shared between the sum in wonderland and montrocol in montropolis.
Curiosity & Seduction
I don't know if it was from being in vegas or a particular mood i was in, but this story literally came outta nowhere. i felt so compelled to write it, something i had rarely felt in writing at the time.
A Bit of Private Time
* * * i quickly closed my journal window and looked up at mistress vega as shi walked into the room. during hir time out on the floor, shi had transformed into hir natural "prism dragon" form.