High Tail High Chapter 12: New Wonder
The doberman in the story is Linkin's character, and used with his permission, under the name Erik. David sat on the edge of the bed, legs kicking childishly. He waited ten minutes for the dobie to finish his dye and let it sink in. The mansion...
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 4 - Constant Reminders
The dragon turned to him with an expression of curiosity, wondering what this boy with the strange accent wanted. "paper?" he asked rather loudly "three bucks." mark handed him the hundred dollar bill, bemusing the aging dragon.
A wonderful Life-Spyro's continued story-ch.2
Silver lay awake, listening to the crickets chirping outside of the cave. At midnight she knew she would have to sneak out of her cave and meet Fire. She didn't know for sure what would be waiting for her when she snuck out later, but somehow she...
A wonderful Life- Spyro's continued story- ch.1
The ideas for Spyro are not originally mine. However the plot for this story has come from my own mind \*If you are uncomfortable with inapropriate text, such as sex and ect. then please turn back NOW!!!!\* A purple dragon flew over the...
A wonderful Life-Spyro's cotinued story-ch.4
Thorn woke up to find Silver still laying on top of him. By the look of it she was still asleep. Thorn remembered quickly what had happened last night. Where they had become one. Where they had fucked. Thorn was about to roll Silver over so he could...
Thine Eyes Have Seen the Wonder (Or: Squirrel With a View)
Besides, he wondered if he would've done the same. so no harm was done he decided.
Lonely Oak Chapter 33 - Meet Eeyore Shower
He watched as she stared mesmerized at the wonder above. her mouth open wide, buck teeth shining in the waning moonlight.
Ermina the Ermine - Chapter One -
Swallowing nervously, ermina sat back on her haunches, wondering how best to begin her evaluation of this stag.
Pokémon meets Final Fantasy 2. (The beginning of something wonderful)
(the beginning of something wonderful)** ** ** **today** ** ** history became legend. legend became myth and after 1000 years, no one knew anymore what happened in the past. well.....
The War Of Elements. Chapter 1 Part 1. (Life's Wonders.)
The Age Of Dreams... Those were the happiest days of my immortal life. The remnants of that age where still all around if you knew where to look. Damn those humans for ending those days of peace. If only Daminas would have done somthing it would still...
My Wonderful Little Sister- The Art of Yiff Part 3
"damn, i wonder what kind of hot morning wood action they're gonna be getting?"
My Wonderful Little Sister- The Art of Yiff Part 1
No wonder john keeps trying to knee you in the crotch. want me to take back over for a bit? sure. i'm gonna go get a pickle. psst, in case you guys didn't know, she loves those and bananas. is it a wonder why she gives such great blowjobs? i think not.