Meeting a Pornstar from Heaven

As I walk along the way to campus which is not so far from my apartment building. The streets are a bit busy as usual in the city of Solangaleon, the city was built a long long time ago by the founder Solan who was a legendary. Oh as for me? Hmmm... I...

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I Burned the Bridges to Heaven

"i burned the bridges to heaven," he murmured softy as he drifted away.

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7 Minutes in Heaven - Commission

Eric had never liked the taste of beer, but when it came to parties he always seemed to have one anyway. It wasn't really a preference, so much as it was the simple fact that it was just what you did at parties. The painted wolf was sure that there was...

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Dark Path to Heaven - Summary

How much blood does it take to make peace? Except for a series of inexplicable murders, Earth near the end of the 21st century has hardly changed. One thing is certain though: humanity's demise is already happening. That was the secret wish...


Heaven Help My Heart

Welcome to heaven help my heart, the third story of fae's christmas music-themed special 2017!

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Heaven | Chapter I of X

A Sweet Stop cantina around the bend? Who woulda thought that woulda been a good idea. You see, unlike the middle of Virginia, the apex of small little cantina quick stops sits, the ultimate local eat-and-go buffet around. Normally you don't really get...

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The Devil May Care 49

The Devil May Care Part 49 for DuskCypher by Draconicon "Hot buns! Get your hot buns here!" The calls of the baker echoed down the street of the little market that had set up just down the road from the rubble of...

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Deus Ex Inferni V: The Third Age

Deus Ex Inferni V: The Third Age Jennifer, Jessica and Aedan were asleep next to each other in a king sized bed. Their white scales, fur and skin seemed to gleam in the small sliver of moonlight that streamed through the closed curtains, falling...

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Divine Univeristy: Chapter 4

_Jeebus, it's taken me forever to get back onto my feet into writing this story set up. I've had a massive attack of writers block I just couldn't make up my mind on what I've wanted to write in the past. A lot of it's just been about random furry...

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Dog college(A balto/all dogs go to heaven/ginga series)crossover chapter 2 the disco part 1

Dog College chapter 2 The disco part 1 Balto and Charlie layed on the big bed half naked with boxer shorts on as the sunsetted on the ocean. "It's so beautiful.' said Balto with a smile. "it is. Said Charlie nuzzling balto's neck and feeling his...

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From my perspective, the world was merely as small as can be. Nothing but a huge ball of dirt and water. And incapable people, nonetheless. But as bad as they may be, or how stupid they might be, I knew that my time would come to descend once more to...

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