Demonic Encounter
The sharp grin flashed again, and cinder looked back up into the demon's eyes. the demon chuckled again, the depth of it ringing in cinder's ears, but the demon didn't take off the breechcloth.
Demonic Consumption
In his demonic realm, phalstryke could get any whore he desired to clean his twin cocks. but all where tainted and corrupt, usually just other demons.
The Water Demons
#6 of underwater fantasies "the water demons" is my first attempt at pure gay sex, m/m and hot. a few notes: yes, the dickerson college does exist, and their sports teams are devils. :d and yes, there really was a sacred band of thebes.
The Demon's Lair
There was a time our peoples were friends, when humans and demons embraced each other as brothers. i would suspect that these horror stories of demons you now know are actually stories of the nephilim, not the demons."
The Demonic King
Nik made a sweeping arc towards zach's feet, but the demon jumped up and kicked out, catching nik in the chest.
Of Gods and Demons
demon magic... the kind of magic that, unless you were an actual demon, you didn't want to touch.
Demonic Notes
demonic notes written by leo_todrius and trickster_d when demons reflect on their past history, the memories of their beautiful corruption comes to the forefront.
Lair of the Demon
Mein Büro und zugleich auch meine Wohnung befindet sich in einem leicht heruntergekommen Gebäude. Die Fassade des zweistöckigen Gebäudes war ursprünglich einmal weiß. Inzwischen aber verzieren mehr Graffiti die Wände und von dem weiß ist auch nicht...
Village of Demons
She was a demon. they were all about sex, right?
Facing Demons
She'd absolutely flip if she saw a book about demons. well, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.
Dancing with Demons
Diedrich the incubus goes on a date with his succubus girlfriend rilen to the blood moon ball, where demons of all kinds party to their hearts content. hey everybody, yuribears here.
The Fox and the Demon
#6 of nsfw content a bored fox soldier is guarding an odd prisoner...a demon, and this demon is keen to kill time and has some interesting ideas how to go about doing that. **the fox and the demon** "they don't ever give you guys a break, do they?"