Good To Be King
It was good to be king.
The King's Storybook
It was a dark night when three adorable, delicious female equines decided to have slumber party. Sounds lame at first, because the first thing you think of when you hear the word slumber party are a bunch of prepubescent girls doing nothing but cackle...
The Drowning of King
king swore. they were bolted in place but were extremely rusty. "with some force..." king muttered, pushing and pulling as best as he could in the water.
Rise of a King
Enjoy the rise of a king. aspen king, a name that would make legs quake and pussies quiver. a timber wolf of excellent breeding and fitness.
King’s Lament
Why shouldn't a king get what he wants now and then?" before equus's eyes, his own dick became unrecognizable. it wasn't his anymore, but the traveler he could only half hear. "smells good doesn't it.
The King’s Priest
"and prince john, the future king.
In Service of the King
Rosco heard the king purr as his head was gripped tighter, the king's claws grasping his fur.
King Of RHEI
The king is back.
King of Conquest
Ladies and gentlemen, the most legendary fighter around, the king of conquest, lord of the pride, and the most powerful man in the world! raise your hands up and clap for the origin of the nemean lion! leonidas chrysan!"
The Way of Kings
Once there was gods and magic, kings once wore these works and carried these weapons."_ opening one of the cases antalas pulled out a bronze mace, chuckling again as sam stepped away from him _"this mace once belonged to a line of feline god kings.
The King of Diamonds
Difficulty: king of diamonds. on this chessboard, i will be placing sixty-four coins, one on each space. some will be heads, some tails. under one of them, i will hide a key.
King's Pup
He wrapped his legs around his king's waist, tail gently wagging as he savored his king's touch. that cedar musk, mingling with his orgasms--link felt his face in it then, the still slimy cum on his king's chest.