Mother's Love
"michael, i love you more than anything in the world." my mother loved me, and not like a son. my world was shattered, but in a good way. i whispered to her, in the still of the night. "mom. i love you too."
Fitness and Love
He loved his job, and he hoped amirah would come to love her job.
The love of an Absol
#1 of the love of an absol a trainer wins a battle and his pokemon shows him she is in heat. this is a request from fa: bloodfand69 the love of an absol "hey, why do you have that monster here?"
College love
I think i love you" he was waiting to hear that ben didn't want to hang out with him but instead ben said "i love you too" then gave him a kiss on his check. sam blushed then gave him a kiss back.
Festival of Love
"i love you, panda." tigress whisper lovingly. "i love you too, ti." po whispered back as he set his head in the crook of her neck. she then turned to his lips and planted a loving kiss. **;)** **mrsimba593 over and out!**
Unsuspecting Love
She said i was in love with someone else. but that didn't mean i wasn't in love with her." "why would she think that?" "i don't know. i had been thinking about someone else though. i think girls have a sixth sense or something."
The General's Love
She knew gondalin loved her, and she was beginning to feel the same for him, she hoped. the army finally reaced the camp, and the males huddled around the court fire with their female partners.
Love Anew ?
This a squeal to love loss. i am tying up loose ends. edited by cedricdream[]( "cedricdream") "time goes by slower when you miss the one you love."
Love is Blind
"i love you, caudi." "i love you too, beebrain." epilogue: caudi and elin made a home for themselves in the small den, but it was never to last.
The Love Letter
"i love you more than i love cookies." i paused and joked around. "am i supposed to love him more than i love cookies?" "i hope so," lightning said, looking a little concerned. "i'm just kidding," i replied. "oh! okay, then!"
The Love of Hatchlings.
'i love you, seril.' 'i love you as well, garelin.'
Puppy Love
She loved this feeling of his member inside of her pussy. just as he loved it. they then could feel it coming. "fay..." bill moaned. "i'm close..." "me... to... ugh..." his wife moaned.