Mistaken Identity: A Drabble

#2 of drabbles every so often, during periods of stress or periods of focusing on other aspects of my super secret personal life, i write small snippets/'scenes'/drabbles/whatever term you prefer to keep my writer fluids flowing between all my life drama

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Hard Times: Chapter 1

Taking the fox by the paw she began to walk toward class, making a point that everyone saw her holding trent's paw as they moved to their third period class. trent sat next to erika during all of third period.

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Aniu; Day 5

First period came to an end we said goodbye then made our way to second period. about halfway there out of the corner of my eye i noticed someone else walking behind me. i figured this time around they were merely going in similar direction or class.

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Walk With Me, Not So Close -- Chapter One, Who Knows What I'm Doing? I Sure Don't.

period. i get through my second period class just fine, it's us history, and the teacher likes me quite a bit. no mishaps here. the bell rings again after an hour of us history, and it's on to my physiology class.

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Vulpine Reformatory School: Chapter 7 - Miss Chantal

The foxes in my fourth period were even more distracted than third period. there were plenty of glances back and forth between the spanking bench and miss chantal. most were accompanied by derisive snickers.

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Chapter 3

I finally got to 5th period and saw alex, he glared at me all period. when the bell rang he didn't get up. he just kept looking at me with a deep hatred. i tried to leave as fast as possible to avoid the ass-kicking i was going to receive.

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Chapter 9

I say, i grab his hand and lead him down the hallway to first period. skylar p.o.v after first period i quickly went through the next few classes.

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Chapter 19: polishing up long forgotten skills -Alex learns the skills of blindness

Alex howled sitting in the library after lunch, as i sat there going over notes for 5th period biology class, the volume on my earphones only half

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3 : BlindSighted

_ he remembered the two periods after latin where she sat just a tail's tap away. _no, i can't now. i forgot to ask for her fucking number again._ he started deriding himself again.

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The Red Sea

I, uh, i had my first period today. like, it happened at school." "your period?" robbie asked. he sounded confused. ugh, was she going to have to explain it to him? "oh!" the fox cried. "you mean, like... you can get pregnant now and stuff?"

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What Tigers Dream Of - Chap. 3

The dismissal bell rang for students to leave first period and head to second period. tj got up and put on his backpack. "it was pretty cool talking with you ry. we gotta do it again sometime." ryan waved his hand at tj. "whatever dude.

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Chapter Twelve

He has been studying artifacts from the "forgotten period" for a long time and is quite the expert." the forgotten period was a period of terran history which existed over a massive amount of time until five hundred year previous.

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