So Kiss Me And Smile For Me - Part 1
I throbbed and pressed into his touch.
The Crocodile's Scales
** his eyes burn a toxic green as he reaches out with a clawed hand, getting close enough to rest his cold touch on her thigh.
Leviathan 12: Speak Your Word
"i need to get in touch with a fixer who works with northpoint execs." porsche rolls her eyes. "i ain't gonna give you anyone that helps you steal _that_. y'should know me better than that.
Heavy Cream
Frazer's fur was so soft to the touch. he began to migrate lower towards the buck's neck and stroked along the spine. the buck shivered at the touch and his ears flicked. their breathing synced together.
I didn't dare touch the clapboard of the structure. i feared if i did whatever it was that filled the air would soil my fingers.
Not Nervous (Commission for Mhisani)
Suddenly, for the unsuspecting fox, a thick, wet tongue touched to his back entrance. the touch flooding all of his body with a intoxicating warmth before a moan slid from his lips as the tongue continued.
Events of an Uneventful Freshman Year: Touch of Gray
"he tries to buck me off, but the second i touch his hole he stops and lets out the most feminine moan that i have ever come out of a man's mouth," jeremy continued, "mmm, that night, i made that hot fucking male my bitch.
I Love You Twice: Getting in Touch
The siblings kept it up, touching themselves and watching each other for some time.
The Edge of Sapphire - Chapter 9 - A Touch Of The Whetstone
Viscount toroi, or a convincing simulacrum at least, rose and touched the biometric scanner set into the wall beside the screen door.
A Girl and Her Tentacle Monster: Finishing Touches
I felt it touch hot, wet pussy lips, looking behind me to catch my first glimpse of my new daughter just as mommy began to push my cock tip inside her.
The Trainer's Touch - Part 4 - Helping the Hounds
#4 of the trainer's touch look what i finally friggin wrote!!! yes i'm back so sorry i took such a long hiatus, life can messy, but hey! new smut for ya.
Touch (Yourself) Typing: Freebies Vol. 60
Moonstruck groaned and leaned back, demonstrating hir natural flexibility as hir head tipped, almost allowing hir ears to touch hir hindquarters.