A Rousing Good Fight
Her body flew out of the protective bubble she'd erected around martin and smacked very harshly into one of the battle suited armored culprits, who had been sneaking around to get at her from the rear while she was fiddling with her controls.
Lykos - Lone Wolf pt. 17
The curse of having a super-sensitive canine shaft was that the cold air was very harsh on his anatomy. "i told you that you didn't have to come with me," he said. "i was too restless to stay in the house," the human said.
Tail's of The Crimson Claw- Chapter 2
With a light chuckle she nodded "yes you may, but be warned, your collar has been set to punish you very harshly if you hurt me in any way, do you understand boy?"
WereLords - Chapter 11: Twin emperors
Master luna is kind, but he's also very harsh on trespassers. so? are you a visitor or a trespasser?"
Fire and Bite Marks
The thought occured to me that these would be slapping against my rear soon enough, and that that would feel like a very, very harsh spanking. the canine stayed there, panting above me while his massive shaft throbbed lightly in front of me. fuck it...
Equine Fiction
Tpony says: ok if my keeping my mouth shut to find her then i will tpony says: go for it you say: very harsh questions... tpony says: go on you say: if you disagree, i will go, and you will just think i'm another madman...
“J’Dash and The Child of Darkness” A Story Inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion
J'dash showed no sympathy and said in a very harsh and or angry tone of voice, "saying sorry for every mistake will not win you any pity from me young assassin! it will only earn you my annoyance!"
Destruction Preventer - The Mass Of The Earth
He asked in a very harsh and sarcastic tone, getting her to laugh. "you want me to do the rest of the bedding?" "if you do the rest of the bedding, i won't have anything to lay on." "and if i don't get at them, they won't be clean."
The Hitchhikers - Chapter 3 - Bad Memories and The Dreadful Past
It forces his asthma to kick in, and he ends up with chest pains that can be very harsh at times," ulric replied as a tear fell from his muzzle and landed on my right shoulder. "so how does he control it?" she asked. "the only way he can.
A favourite Situation Chapter 9
"kids that treat the world like its their playground and act like gangsters and gangbangers are given a very harsh dose of reality.
"Stars & Bars" an Elite Trick Commission
After about five minutes or so of undecipherable threats and comments from his captors in their very harsh tongue, they came to a room that had traditional style cells and what looked to be storage lockers, a desk with a computer, and a whole rack of those
A Porn Star Vacation
She wiped her mouth with her napkin and explained, "my ancestors are from a very harsh world, geologically speaking. mortality rate was very high until a few millennia ago, so giving birth to three or four per pregnancy isn't uncommon.