Raiding the Temple
The god starts to whistle as he heads back out towards the gates leaving the goddess swamped with disgruntled virgins.
The Prayer
Looking up his eyes lay upon the god for the first time.
Either Your God Hates Me Or Your Religion Doesn't Work
They claim god does not hate us. and they act as if god hates us. what to do with that? perhaps god hates us. very well, what then? why, very little.
Gifting Seed to Their God
He found something almost like a slit, something that made him think that perhaps their god was a goddess - "ah!" only for it to shift, opening and dropping another tendril.
Unicorns a brief history
"oh god, why were we not gathered by your man?
TheFurryParable Ch.7
god!" danny gawks in amazement as the shining figure walk towards him..... with a rape face smile..... "omg its god! uh mister god, can i get you're auto graph? please?!" god looks at danny and begins to speak.
The Missing Son, Chapter 21
They might have given him a different name, but there is only one god. not one true god, simply one god." "then why did they attack us? why did they call us heathen?
Love and Worship
I moaned again, as i was naked under my robe, one of the tenants of the goddess of fertility. sensing this, my goddess threw off my robe, revealing my naked human skin.
Waiting Time
"allow me to introduce behaumut, demi god of time and king of reptiles." said the lion god pointing to the gold dragon. i looked at the dragon who smiled at me.
Challenging A God
"did you honestly think that you could kill a god? a _real_ god? i am anubis, god of the afterlife...but don't worry. i won't be sending you there." she started to back up now, gripping her staff tighter.
On the Goddess
Our goddess truly hates sadists, needless to say!
Balance of the Gods Part 2 (Commission for Xilimyth)
The goddess kiya turned.