Ferina III - Chapter 6
Here, let me see how you convert energy through your body. this is a technique that you'll learn later, but it's one that i need to use to see how you're converting energy."
Kingdom of Stallions
He neighs in triumph of not only taking a healthy female but in converting the entire town to horsebreeds. with a hard stomp zihark cums hard into her.
Buying the Farm 5 - Collective Bargaining
So you're going to convert them as i convert you... all we have to do is make sure that we get a king c-snake."
Project Raven: Unauthorized Access
The brass elevator doors closed once more, sealing away the three moaning rubber tigers and their converters.
Project Raven: Compartmentalized Data
Delta's body was converted in less than a minute, the rubber outside his body spreading like wildfire down his slender form.
Intruder On Board
There was also access to what had happened to the ship before the parasitoid infestation started, seeing the memories of all those that had been converted.
Venting your Problems
What she needed was a way to disguise either herself or jerry so she could convert a few of the security guards and get a better idea of how they worked...
Strengthening Mind and Body
Ever since he had taken tobi and converted him it was like a switch had flipped in his head and he was hungry for more.
In the Master's Footsteps (2/2)
Renzyl asked, his maleness still buried hilt deep in his newest convert's hole. "yes master," marrick replied with a heavy sigh of contentment.
Potential [PTRN]
In his youth he'd stumbled across the concept that matter cannot be created nor destroyed, merely converted from one form into another.
From Defeat Comes Victory (1/7)
Likewise when you convert someone you can turn into them and i will be able to as well, but they can't turn into you or me.
Snakeskin - Better Than One
#14 of snakeskin shane's been a devoted follower, as well as snake-cock, and as one of the first converted in renzyl's invasion of the human realm zander has decided to give him the treat of having him find someone else to convert.