Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 1
Flickering light danced across the hallway floor and up the side of the wall, opposite his daughter's room. she usually left her door open a crack.
Like Mother Like Daughter
"don't worry, daughter, i will teach him well. how is this gentleman bat with his tongue, i wonder?" "what - no!"
Like Mother and Like Daughter
Ruth said lightly, through her daughter looked considerably happier about the assistance then the bat did.
Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 9
#9 of daughter of the claw the ninth chapter (of ten) in an on-going story following tallish--an anthro canine male and his daughter. your comments mean the world to me.
Daughter of the Claw - Chapter 8
#8 of daughter of the claw the eighth chapter (of ten) in an on-going story following tallish--an anthro canine male and his daughter. your comments mean the world to me.
Dearest Daughter, Dearest Love
He grabbed her gently by her shoulders and held her away from him, staring in shock at his youngest daughter.
The Mother's Daughter: Part 1
The tuggs, the father a wolf as white as snow with the mother and daughter being huskies with those wonderful blue eyes they have, all out with work and school at the moment.
My Darling Daughter #11
Katja lay down beside her daughter, and spread her own thighs, just as her daughter had done. "fuck me, puppy! fuck me right now!" she demanded.
Daughter's First Heat Pt1
The two of them making fruitful and prolific love, sharing one of the most intimate moments a father and daughter can share =d contains hot, deep, steamy sex resulting in the assured pregnancy of said-daughter, a nice bit of buid-up story, a bit of hermy
Daughter's First Heat Pt2
He closed his eyes and _prumed_ from the attention, working his tail up, around and over his daughter's.
Daughter's First Heat Pt3
Kalruch was greatly pleased with his daughter though perhaps not in the way one might expect.
Leviathan Chapter Eight: Daughters
_'well of course the daughters must return to us to be devoured. it will be their sole purpose. i am not sure where this idea of rebellious sisters and daughters came from, big sister.