Blue and Cassius Part Three
A thick, gritty layer of dirt scraped at his bare hands and head as she climbed on top of him. it settled on his fur and coated his nose and mouth with every breath.
Hating your own element part one
The dirt had protected his skin and was his defense. two new females noticed him and were in heat also. they entered his burro and it was cosy. it was a sceptile and glameow "what do you want? i need dirt on my skin."
Kayla: Terror
Her shirt was already thickly coated with blood stains and dark dirt, but it was at least doing a good job of keeping out the dirt she was sleeping on. even her legs ached, from being forced to stand in the corner for her food.
Covering Fire
Jumping into a hole, she found in it, a cowering, curled up white bunny, her fur stained with dirt and blood. she was scared, twitching and bellowing. "oh my darwin..."
Hungry, she sat crosslegged in the dirt and pine needles, waiting for the ancient svea camp stove to boil water for her evening meal.
Haldi's Exile Ch. 1
She slowly slid her own cloak off, and saw the amount of dirt that covered it. she didn't remember it getting that bad, and she started looking down at her golden fur that was matted in splotches with dirt and mud.
United Through Two Worlds Chapter 3
But as they walked up the stairs to the entrance, the crushing of dirt and rocks could be heard. michael turned to see an old sedan driving up the dirt road.
Heart Rate ...for Shadow Panther
He began to rise from his default position-- something huge slammed him back down to the dirt. something hot and solid. shiro looked over his shoulder. his eyes widened.
Monster Hunter: Abnormal Companions Chapter 3
The soap hovered near the wound, where i could see dirt i had been afraid to touch. slowly, the bar rested against the wound. it felt cruddy, but i gritted my teeth through the pain and began disposing of the dirt-ridden areas and dry blood splotches.
CBC - Sins of the Father
The knee was lifted from his back to allow him to writhe in the dirt. yosef nodded, walking back over to lean against the car.
Rocket Delivery [Omorashi]
Rocket could only stand there, knees weak as he felt the hot piss stream pierce through the cloth of his tight jumpsuit, and trickle through his fingers to the dry dirt below. the dusty dirt grew deep, dark patches as it was colored by his raining piss.
Chapter 1: The Cage Left in the Woods
Starting from her head working his way to her back and to his tail he worked the grim and dirt away.