Southern Free Agents, Ch 6

If you like this story be sure to let gavin foxx know too over on fa: please be advised that this story will contain a fair amount of m/f, m/m, f/f, and group sex/romance/relationships.

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The Sons of Epion, Part 1

.^ love all the friend and fans, talic teh foxx

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Kalyan's Dread

I'm happy to thank blake foxx for the time he spent brainstorming this story's initial concept with me. this story is rated adult, and is intended to be read only by legal adults.

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The Grin Paws - Chapter 2: The Grin Revealed

"profanity 101, with professor chumwayde foxx..." "hug you, you little flargin' lizard-asswipe douchepole..."  fox muttered under his breath and found the remote.  "can we talk about our futures a little later, please? 

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For Your Paws Only - Chapter 3

Conrad was slightly surprised, and a bit disappointed when he saw marcel in his anthony foxx guise enter the hotel. he had been hoping that geno would be his contact. marcel sat down without a word at the corner table that conrad had chosen.

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Wait For No One - Chapter 8 - The Tide Turns

"dwain foxx!" belinda said in mock shock. "don't you say such things."

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2020-05-27 A Thief's Fortunate Misfortune

**A Thief's Fortunate Misfortune By: VeronicaFoxx For: Morris Wolf** Unlike some thieves, Morris didn't skulk in the back of the tavern with a hood pulled up to shadow his face and shifty eyes scanning the crowd for marks. No, Morris was a...

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2020-05-27 A Sneaky Snake

**A Sneaky Snake By: VeronicaFoxx For: BlazingPelt** Jake had been at the bar for about two hours by the point someone caught his eye, or rather his ear. He was looking for a quickie, high as a kite, and more than a little drunk, but he still...

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2020-05-23 Comfort Companion

**A Comforting Companion By: VeronicaFoxx For: Technophile91** "Name," the Renamon slaver demanded, not even looking up from the clipboard she held in her hand while she waited for the answer. The captive spat, the glob...

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2020-05-23 An Unexpected Score

**An Unexpected Score By: VeronicaFoxx For: FlimFlamFun5** Jenna tapped nervously against the side of her keyboard as the decryption program scrolled across her virtual vision. It was the best that she had yet devised, but she...

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2020-05-23 An Experiment in Pleasure

**An Experiment in Pleasure By: VeronicaFoxx For: Fyacin** 'Mera twiddled her fingers against the keyboard as she awaited a response, knowing that she had captivated her current mark but still needing the confirmation. KiMera: So, now...

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2020-05-14 Making a Pact with the Pack

**Making a Pact with the Pack By: VeronicaFoxx For: Draconicon** "Okay, so you're an alpha," Erna explained as they strolled down the walk towards what could only be described as an estate. "You need to look like one, walk like one, talk like...

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