Taia's Character Reference Sheet
Can come across as combative and surly, but is really just 'larger than life'. laconic, dry sense of humour.
Years On
'are you sur-' 'just go!!' he snarled, before lowering his head and whimpering. she shot off like a man possessed, and he watched her run with mingled feelings of sorrow and anger.
Gloves 1
The captain, a surly cat, points a pointed claw to the stern. "we need to get into this room, dai. and you told us we could easily get there through this corridor." dai quickly glances once more at the image.
Ch.18 (Movement 2) Diablo
Jason smith had been a surly, yet astute businessman who ran the general store for decades. dal remembered him as a kid, looking just the same. "dalten. what can i get ya?" dalten rattled off a list of supplies.
Halo -chapter 2
A surly man stepped forward and gestured to the tree as he announced: "welcome to day 1 of boot-camp trainees!
surly (from the nut job): have you ever stolen anything? balto: only boris from when he got stuck in that butcher shop. tommyfox: these are good questions! i'm liking this now. final question goes to seat 82.
The Legend of Eclipse: The Night Princess
"surly you didn't forget your own birthday eclipse."
Simba's Pleasant Surprise [1]
Walking In On..... (STORY I)
The screen went black and then lesbian fox started to kiss and slowly, but surly take off their clothes. "come to daddy ladies" he said rubbing the sweet smelling lube on his hard member.
Chapter XIV, Politics two
"judging by your, bad mood and how urgently you called, i assume it must be about what lord nafusir has just enacted," "it will not last, surly it can't, he would be just as crushed..." the cheetah reasoned.
Tales From the Synth - Series One - Chapter Three -
Come the quiet, surly response. "it's...something," roan confessed, as he gently stroked squeaky's ears, trailing his hooflets along the edges. squeaky visibly quivered, much to clyde's surprise. "it can feel...that?"
surly i was missing something... i fell back to reading. _butsome reports - and again, there were a multitude of same or similar reports - some reports mentioned the existence of a litter.