Pandora's Templar - Chapter 23

'if her state of tsaheylu is light then i might be able to find out what's going on but if she's in really deep, then the consequences of disturbing her... they would be _bad_.

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The wolf wasn't disturbed at all by the sudden light and noise. what did disturb him, however, was the sound of someone knocking on his front door. he looked up from his phone and glanced over his shoulder toward the noise.

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Six Surprises

They both knew they couldn't be pregnant but the similarity was just too disturbing.

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The Primal Betreyal #02 WIP

He seemed to be a little irritated, because ardrehir was disturbing him. "i'm looking for a market or a tavern. can you..." "both market and tavern are in the middle of the village. it's over there. anything else?" "no, that's all.

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A Relaxing Day at Work

He chuckled to himself, under his breath of course to avoid disturbing those in the cubicles around him, as he wondered if perhaps it was thanks to the massage he'd had the day before.

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Of Mice and Boys

The orders becked the patrol to walk outside the walls and to quell a disturbance by the serpentine quarters which was, for mice, some distance from the hostel itself.

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Chapter 19

He knew that he'd get in trouble if he disturbed nu and teilion right now, but if he sent the kid away it could come and bite him in the rear later.

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Dinosaurs: The After Years - Thorny and Horny

This was especially disturbing, he thought, since he never considered anything he ate to be... sensuous.

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Float Your Cares Away

Never asked me for anything, never judged, never once disturbed me while i chilled out with her.

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A Forest of Misfortune Adventure: Part 1

The fox halted his flight into the forest, and only the sound of his gulping in lungfuls of air disturbed the still silence. the pursuit and loud curses from the angry farmer curiously, and thankfully, left at the edge of the wood.

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Terrifying Reality: Part 1 (2017)

This was the most disturbing thing to be said so far. the creature must have sensed lorle's fear; as it was letting out another snorting laugh, it's wrinkled brow twitching with each exhaled breath, his floppy ears bouncing to and fro.

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Cavernous Storybook CH1: Just What The Doctor Ordered

Cavernous storybook taking place rather directly before the events of cave story proper, this story is a short but sweet satirical tale of the incredibly bizarre and hilarious exploits of jack and mahin, two extremely minor characters who end up playing a disturbingly

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