New Beginnings - Part 1: A Walk

With all the windy rivers and streams that cut thought the city there were actually more than a few trails to choose from, but yazzie had picked laurel marsh.

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The Lost of the Marshes – Chapter 5: Intersection

The lost of the marshes - chapter 5: intersection by bad manners === ... kuir long had been a gem among the two rivers, and was known to be the first city in the region.

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LETHAL VECTOR - 3. Rend3vous

Spanning some of these islands, a flaking walkway split the marsh in half. rotting piles rose from the depths of the murk, and held atop a brace of old planks stretching into the distance. also rising from the marsh - skulls.

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The mirror and in the rat's eyes i saw no creature, but a coward - who dared not join the sun in rising beyond the thousands of sunsets - content in dusk and dust and damnation there lies the rat now - unmoving, sinking drowning in the marshes

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The Lost of the Marshes – Chapter 10: Memory

The lost of the marshes - chapter 10: memory by bad manners === ... investigating these myths has led me to lagazi, a village on the west bank of the second river just north of the hamora marshes.

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Part 1: The Naming Ceremony

* * * amidst the ancient trees of the marsh, a village stood on muddy ground underneath waxing masser and secunda crescents. great huts of mud and reed piled one after another, hardened and rough in the light of torches and campfires.

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The Rise of the Silinde - Part 4: The rise of one race brings the fall of two

"if memory serves there's a river up ahead that's where we will send it down stream to the marshes." "why in the name of the ancestors would we do that!?"

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The Adventures of Jacob Snow: Chapter 5

The group travels slowly west and then south once they come to the entrance of the dead marsh. this unnatural bog has many names, and even more superstitions about it.

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A Patient Death 14: Army of Thieves

In reality, inquisitor marsh had pressed the king's chief clerk until he relented, allowing a contract to be drawn up. "don't forget that part, arch-brigadier."

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The Dreadnought Pt. 1

I just killed a marsh mite that came in through the vents! please! get me the hell out of here!" he shouted, echoing through the metal and glass that held him captive. "what's in it for me?"

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Egg-Laying Mammals

In a daze, he'd led her out here ... to the deeper, muddier marsh. she'd needed it bad. bad, bad ... oh, badly! and was getting it ... good ... mm ... getting it ...

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