Kismet (Chapter 2)
After a quick glance at the copy the notepad has kept, she tucks it and the pen away.
Wizard Consultant
Do you have the notebook your father gave you?" "yes, here it is," rosa said, handing him the notebook. hamada looked through it before frowning. he couldn't make heads or tails of the writing.
Chapter One: Love at First Sight
I pull my notebook out and start writing, after a few minutes amy comes back and sets my plate down, "i'm on break now".
Young Highschool Love Pt.3
Jake questioned while pulling out his notebook from his bag. nick had an uncomfortable look on his face. "i don't want to talk about it." he said looking away.
Bonded by Chance - Chapter 1
My notebook was filled with different sized hearts and eli's name written in different fonts. i hoped fourth period, my favorite, would be a little easier to handle and would help me not think about how cute he is.
A Barren Affliction - Chapter 3
Just let me grab my lab notebook and we can get started."
Jerec's First (A Threesome) Part 1 of 4: Feral-Bodied
Jerec feigned having difficulty packing a notebook with one of the hoof attachments. lucile gently took the notebook from him, and packed it neatly into his bag. geskin leaned close: "we'd rather not.
Seekers: Chapter Two: Busy Doing Nothing
I pulled out a small pen and found the next blank page in the small notebook and wrote down a name carefully; enhime; black wolf. i sighed and closed the notebook, placing it back in my jumpsuit.
Drive, Part 2.
The rottweiler then leads me on a tour of the inside of his home, again my notepad and pen are at the ready.
The Lost Realm vol.1
Drops hit the notebook paper. "yeah... i think i love you too." seika's muzzle was stretched into a wide smile.
I Put a Hex on You And Now You're Mine
Nay sat across from him on the floor of the office, chopsticks shoved into a carton of her own, pen tucked in her feathers as she flipped through a notebook.
Encyclopedia Transmania - Ch I: Forewarning
"this is the assignment prompt," he said, placing a black notebook in front of eli, who was engorging himself with bbq chicken wings. with a sauce-covered hand, the boy flipped open the notebook and skimmed the pages.