
He wears a grey tank top,black jeans and brown sandals, with a diamond shaped necklace and ear piercing on his right ear.



All in the mere blink of an eye the being slid his foot onto the sandal, uncaring about the people running over it.

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The misarable life of Richie Part 1 - 5

Paul had slipped one of his sandals off and showed the wide thick long paw to the small desert fox.

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Primal: Pilot

She stomped on it, her footpaws wrapped in crude linen sandals, ones that let her flick her claws out if need be. with a shove, she knocked some more of the plant life out of her path, but it was half hearted. she needed a rest.

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Corner of the Sky (M to Anthro Dragon TF)

And that scene started with him bursting out of his sandals. i swear that unlocked something in me.

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The Furry Sex Scandal

To my shock, though, he took off his sandals and put them aside before he resumed dancing.

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Employee of the Month-Part 2

His feet were actually bare, as he could never find sandals that he liked, and since he wasn't at work, he didn't need to wear them.

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The Story Behind Paradise--Jazzwolf Gift

Jazz courteously removed his own sandals a little further away, just so that they wouldn't get in the way, and then knelt next to the wolger.

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Jabba's Party

The tongue was surprisingly strong, as each thrust from it lifted oola up an inch or so, her sandal-clad feet leaving the dais each time it reentered her body.

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"Glory" to Mother Russia

Viktor nervously watched as nicolai kicked off his similarly-built sandals, twisting himself around on his seat so that he was facing the member sticking out of the wall.

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A Kitsune Vixen's Adventure, Ch. 2

So i took off my pack and lyre, leaving them behind the stage, dug out my flute, and took off my dress and sandals. i stepped up on the stage, a little embarrassed, and was met with cheers from the crowd.

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Mirror Peer Remastered

Their sudden growth shredded his sandals and he wobbled slightly on his feet as the scales surged up his feet.

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