High Places

But all of the wonders of his new home paled in comparison to the lioness, who seemed to the coyote as though she must have spontaneously coalesced out of the ambient spirit of the place.

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Flowers Blossom

#13 of the rose garden and so the last of this spontaneous little series of mine. sorry if its a bit rough and short, but this was how i thought it should end and it just ended up being small compared to the other chapters.

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Breakfast is on Me

It burned into the fleshy bit and i couldn't stop a spontaneous kick from my right leg. then she poured it right on the center of the stack of pancakes.

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Emelie | The Three Little Pigs | Part 1

She couldn't pull away and she couldn't fight him, so she gave in and spontaneously taught herself how to deep throat -- with limited success.

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Not Quite as Planned 2

A near-spontaneous, uncontrolled orgasm, and i felt it when the wolf's member throbbed hard against my body. it felt like someone hitting me with a spongy battering ram, even as i was already pressed against him.

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Suncrest - Chapter 12

He stared down at the bowl, waiting for it to spontaneously turn bad. but nothing happened. he gave it another taste, unable to hide his smile the second time. it was like night and day compared to the soup. restraint went out the window.

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The Awareness of Nothing

Unaware it's on the way to the slaughterhouse one can never be freed from the outside as what appears as freedom is in fact yet another source of conditioning -- take everything written here with a grain of salt one is never free to react as reactions are spontaneous

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Frosty Night

That was just how spontaneous he was, giving a small clue maybe only minutes before diving into a new adventure. i can recollect another time more recent when he was just as spontaneous, or impulsive with his decisions, as that first time we met.

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Wolfsleiden - Teil 5: Liebe, Leid und Leidenschaft

"wie kommt es, dass du mich so spontan besuchst?" fragte sam und erwiederte die umarmung. "na ich hab dich doch die ganze woche nicht gesehen und da hab ich mir überlegt, dass ich dich mit ins einkaufs-center nehme.

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Sea Breeze Health: Smell of the Ocean

He wanted to spontaneously ejaculate during the next sniff test, even if being aroused constantly didn't quite make it one hundred percent spontaneous.

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Failed Containment: Chapter 23- The Prices We pay

It was sort of spontaneous..." sebastian gave her a curious look, "overseer tabetha is not known for her spontaneous-ness." tabetha's smile turned sly. she stood up and drained the rest of her glass. "as you said. we all have to cope somehow.

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Erbe der Ahnen - Kapitel 9: Neue Hoffnung

Erschrocken über diese spontane stimulation, ließ marik etwas locker. sofort nutzte kimmy die unachtsamkeit des greifen um sich unter ihm hervor zu zwängen und ihn umzuwerfen.

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