'The Struggle' - Chapter 1
Nodding in understanding, i watched the wolf leave before returning my attention to the arctic fox. she basically kept her position the same the whole time till she suddenly looked up and glanced around the café.
A family dinner... and a changed world
Raul hugged his arm around sym, kissing the arctic fox on the forehead, "i love him very much, sir..."
The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 7 Preparation Begins
With a howl of his own he thrust a final time, his cock exploding as jet after jet of cum whitewashed the arctic fox's insides.
My girl is a boy part 8 - Exploits
He didn't expect the arctic fox to merrily say: "did you hear that rin? you are going to take his virginity."
Part 1: Preparing
The arctic fox squeezed his 7 inches and in the burst of pleasure he kissed his digits. the bitter taste was always tough to overcome but he kept going, slurping and licking his messy finger.
The Island - Chapter 5
The arctic fox grumbled as he grabbed the wooden block from the ground, carrying it over to the tower and raising it up.
Things That Flower
Aren't we telling the arctic foxes that ... " "the arctic foxes have already kidnapped your doctor. have already been caught spying aboard your ship.
Office Workload
Watching rian stand up to his wife had been like a moment of truth for the arctic fox, an epiphany of sorts.
The Life of Another - Character Guide *SPOILER ALERT*
fox (marble fox) | has the physical appearance of a marble fox, parents are arctic foxes | | steven hampton (natsume's son) | 15/male | gray wolf | black fur with green tint | | tami (hall monitor) | 16/female | gray wolf
A Darkness In Your Heart (Teaser)
She was a fairly attractive arctic fox, with a hint of silver in her white fur. in the sun, her fur almost glistened because of the silver in her otherwise white fur.
A sleepover - The Next Morning
Eric sucked hard on alex as chris entered him and got a lustful moan out of the arctic fox. alex's response was to suck harder and to start thrusting into eric's muzzle.
Snow Hunt
When he felt sure there was no more to get, tiimo stood up, pulling the arctic fox into a tight embrace and kissing him passionately.