Boy Who Barked Dog

Moans carlos, lost in a lustful haze as the canine musk clouded his senses like the sauna's steam.

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A Hard Day's Ride

Tifa could hardly smell anything, but red's nose picked up a tangy odor as the musk spread through the glade. in one corner, where the chocobos had been left grazing, their feathered heads suddenly shot up and they sped towards the musk and it's users.

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The Rat

Gasping deeply, he smelled her musk, and the strong smell of her digestive system. she grinded him head first along her cheeks, and against her crack, as he groaned deeply, the musk was intense, as he was rubbed against her.

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Honorary Hyena

That was before they let me sample their musk from the source," kory revealed. "ooh, a natural born musk-slut," jenga observed. "i'm a giver and receiver.

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King Rex

All was overwritten by the rex's absolutely thought-searing musk.

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Freebies Vol. 78: The Huge World of Hyper Sports #1 Edition

Load after load of musky, thick, warm cougarseed drenched one otter after another as his balls kept growing larger, thicker, dripping with musk and sweat as his fingers urged his maleness to spray again, again, again.

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The lizard biggest crush. Part 3. (Commission)

And also the musk. musk! the natural virile and masculine scent that everyone has. as far as zee remembered, matt had always been very hygienic and took good care of his body; which was true for all intents and purposes.

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The Hearts Of Dragons

It was a strong, musky dragon scent, you couldn't get it from anything other than a female, but this musk was special, she'd grown to love it, for it was storm's, she loved every bit of that dragoness with her life.storm meeped as feelings returned to her

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An Usurped Landlady - Chapter 1

He said as his crotch was at head level with her and his musk was more hypnotic than she'd ever experienced it, having not been this close to him before.

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Under The Cherry Blossoms Part Two

Almost instantly my nose was slapped in the face by a rich and heavy musk. _"pandakin." _my nose instantly informed my brain.

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The Birthday Present

You'd be a lot more turned on if it wasn't for the overpowering smell of the musk..

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The Hyena Exhibit

Miko barks and howls in release and soon our packmates around us cry out in climax, spraying us down with their musky cum.

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