Rat of Glory
His whiskers were smoothed out, his claws filed and sharpened and his muzzle positioned to make his rodent buck teeth really stick out.
A Dream Come To Life - Seal TF
whiskers. seal whiskers. thick, wirey seal whiskers. my own pajamas suddenly felt much much tighter against my body "amazing..."
Here Comes the Sun
Her whiskers twitched. he's so easygoing, down-to-earth. funny and charming. those are good qualities, right? i'm really enjoying myself. and he obviously finds me attractive. i don't think he's faking it.
Never an Act
Peregrine supplied innocently, all wide-eyed and stepping into the room, whiskers twitching in that ever-active way. full of mousey cuteness. "everything okay, commander?"
She shook her head, snowflakes melting off her whisker-tips. " ... still nothing." she'd been trying, for the last half hour, to get a comm signal to the ship. not that they were expecting one.
Quetzal and Kiki's Swaptastic Adventure pt 1
Quick as a flash, the silvery whiskers twitched and touched quetzal. only a very few sparkles erupted at the spots the whiskers touched. when they faded quetzal seemed completely unchanged. "i...
Chapter 1: A Guardian Angel to the Rescue
Joseph laughed as renee went after her right whiskers. "is it gone?" she asked desperately. "i said left whiskers," joseph grabbed a napkin and leaned over the table and wiped off her whiskers. "there, it's gone."
Two Lips
Field's whiskers twitched. his smile faded. six months 'til planting? a year 'til they bloomed? so much could happen in that time. most of it bad, right?
Brighter Visions Beam Afar
A whisker-twitch. "i mean, i tell all these things to denali," she said, of her husband. "i mean, i tell him everything. it's just ... sometimes, i don't think he understands like you do.
Such a relaxing massage...
Ronya giggled softly to herself, her whiskers twitching delightedly over the view she was presented with by chloë raising her rump like that.
Talk of the Town
Charlie challenged with a bucktoothed grin, their noses bumping, whiskers tangling. turning the tables on her, the mouse suddenly flipped their positions.
Fifty Shades of Tan: Trader Vic's
His face got a bit red and his whiskers drooped. "she's staying with friends for a while but she lets her cub come over to visit us, and i gotta keep these things on hand, just in case, you know.