Day Four - Prescription Pick-up

I made my way back to base camp with a happy mood in my soul and was soon on my way home with the horns in hand. it's days like this which make my job worthwhile, and i couldn't ask for a better job...

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Footsteps. 6

I think i see the base camp!" travis called out from in front. "we're almost there!" johnson confirmed from his position a few steps ahead of all of them.

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A boy and his eevee

This low to the ground, they could easily make out the trainers and their pokemon that were still milling around the clearing around base camp, on their way to the lush and dangerous forests that would quickly envelop them.

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Life As It Is Ch.13

Silnis' safety aside, i hoped that everyone back at base camp could hold out until we returned safely with him alive.

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The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part 2 (1st half) (an excerpt)

"okay, i'll get right on that once we're done with this mission and back at the base camp." he was silent for a moment. "at least his anger sent you back here. this box is much more comfortable with you around."

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Redwall: Cluny's Big Surprise

Cluny entered his army's base camp, and every vermin soldier with even an ounce of intelligence knew to get out of his way.

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The Island of Devils Rain: The Beach

The base camp is located on south west portion of the island, near the shore, in what used to be a fishing village.

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Absolute Pleasure (part 3)

"all my stuff is back at base camp!" he purred gently and grinned. "i have laundry at my place and everything else a good puppy needs." i swallowed hard, glancing over my shoulder at the bus.

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Xenomorph 2

Vio and his team mates made it inside the base camp followed closely by susy and her team. the alien had cornered the two hyenas, and as one went to run the alien rammed its scythe into the his chest, killing him.

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Clarity of Purpose (Welded Sunset)

~ well above the discrete happenings of the base camp below, the broad winged eagle mech carefully balanced atop a fresh thermal updraft while waiting for the final phase of calibrations to conclude.

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My Story - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 **base camp delta, location classified** **june 22, 2010** **0800 local time** i packed up enough supplies to last me at least a week.

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