How the Foxyote Ruined Christmas and then Saved Christmas

Surely you're not violating some child labor laws?_ _ _ "hey i haven't broken any laws as long as he doesn't get paid!" kickaha snapped. "but that's not the point... the point is that as impressive as my replica sleigh is...

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Rowan knew he was lucky to have been born to a rich family, but child labor (especially like this) was uncommon even amongst poorer seelie. taking a few marks out of his pocket he approached the two, a sister and brother it seemed.

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Egg Thoughts

Nowadays some people think that was exploitative child labour and harmful to have fledglings working, but that's because in the current day, fledgling means the same thing as juvenile or adolescent.

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The Orphan Gods

The orphanage in question had told the government that it was to get the children ready for the future and ensure them a position at a job but of course they all knew that it was simply plain good old child labour.

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Family Dinners

"did you press our son into child labour again?" "he's seventeen, he's hardly a child anymore." "i question your ethics!" i snorted while my mom made her way over to their room.

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Not Quite Home

child labor was a tradition. fucking rape could be a tradition. they'd still be disgusting! repugnant!" ahinahina roars like a lion. suddenly i feel fear.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 11: The Good

At first i suspected that you're a child labor, by then i should've know that no parusans had that bright green slit eyes of yours. most had yellow." "i have blue eyes."

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Shadow Stalkers: Thymion Pt. 21

''child labour? common slavery is disgusting, but _children_?'' she growled. ''that's why this gensu had a ship sent into our space? so he could set up an illegal shipping lane and send people to their deaths?''

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Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Eight: In Proximity

Based on what people who regularly pass this place, the foreman follows the old ways, abusing the workers and endorsing child labour. this place looks easier to infiltrate unless one enters from the back. "ahoy", jack says. "'tis death", i whisper.

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Lugo: Coming to Terms

The work never stops, and it's the nature of the corporate culture that you might be replaced, maybe, in making diaper porn by some bare-pawed minor in china or india if it weren't for those pesky child labor and other laws."

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Death's Blood Ch. Twenty-Two: Cracks in the Glass

There is a reason courtesans hold grudges against 'im; there is a reason he condones to child labour." giffard growls. "but you might not care about that, vadimir. so, i ask again: how can you know that giffard will not betray you?

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My Gym Partner's A Cock Slut

"maybe if there weren't any child labour laws, i could afford one of those too..." naturally, in looking behind him, he had no way to see the principal in front of him on the nifty motorized scooter.

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